Lieutenant Miniatures and Avatar Miniatures in Plastic

By Hein99, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I know many posters have said this before but I'm hoping FFG will start seeing our posts as enough interest to produce lieutenants and Avatars in Plastic. I would really like them but I just don't want to spend $10+ each.

I'm going to reply to my own post and ask that FFG also sell the plastic figures for all the Heroes that we received bonus cards for so that I can have a complete set of new Heroes in all my boxes that they can play in. Did that make sense?

I think a good idea would be to produce a run of each monster mold in a new plastic color (e.g. dark green, or gold) so that players could use those models for avatars and dungeon leaders. This would cut down on the confusion from multiple master monsters coexisting with similar bosses.


Hein99 said:

I know many posters have said this before but I'm hoping FFG will start seeing our posts as enough interest to produce lieutenants and Avatars in Plastic. I would really like them but I just don't want to spend $10+ each.

It's my understanding that plastic miniatures are only cost-effective in very large quantities. Very large. As in, there's a reason CMGs rely on the random element to help sell more boosters; because those game would tank if you could just pick and choose the ones you want. And that has certainly been upheld with the few non-collectible plastic minis games I've seen take a stab at the market.

Basically, the only way to make plastic LTs and Avatars financially feasible would be to include them in the expansion box with everything else. That may or may not be doable for an upcoming third AC expansion, but I highly doubt they'd re-release the first two with a different component mix. Maybe an idea for 2e, if that ever happens.