Disarm vs. Dark Relic

By totax, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I dunno if someone has faced this problem yet i'm going to explain, but i'havent found a topic with this question.

Playing yesterday our party stumbled across this issue. The Overlord played the dark relic, and i played disarm.

The question is, does the overlord must pay even the cost of the dark relic he wants to play or only the cost of the dark charm card ?

Our overlord says he must pay only the 12 ('cause we're at gold level) and not the cost of the relic itself that is added... beacuse he cannot even give the relic to the player. In my opinion he has to pay all the cost because i disarm the whole trap with everything in it.

Reading the card i think i can even wait, roll to see if i obtain a blank, and then use the disarm card if i do not obtain it ...

What do you thinks ?

Any help is appreciated !

that is an interesting situation. the feat card says to play this when the overlord plays a card, so it must be played before rolling for effects of the trap, therefore does the overlord give any relic to a hero and have to pay for it in addition to the trap cost? of course as someone who has played overlord, i would have such item in mind and have threat set aside mentally for it and the trap card says it must be payed also as part of cost = X, not as = X + relic cost.

interested to see what others say myself.

The question is, does the overlord must pay even the cost of the dark relic he wants to play or only the cost of the dark charm card ?

The cost of the card is 4, 8, or 12. That's all he pays until the trap successfully resolves and he pays for the relic he's giving the hero.

Reading the card i think i can even wait, roll to see if i obtain a blank, and then use the disarm card if i do not obtain it ...

No. The trigger is "when the overlord plays a trap card". If you wait until the trap is in the process of resolving you've passed your opportunity.

Here is the reading of the Dark Relic card:

"Play this card when a hero receives a treasure card. The hero must roll a power die. If the result is a blank, nothing happens.

If the result is not a blank, he receives a Dark Relic of your choice instead of the treasure card. The threat cost for this card is 4 if the treasure card was copper, 8 if it was silver, and 12 if it was gold. In addition, you must pay the threat cost of the dark relic you choose to give to the hero."

This reading states that the threat cost is either 4, 8 or 12 depending on the treasure being replaced. Then "In addition" paying for the relic you choose to give to the hero. My take is that the threat cost of the card would be what the Overlord pays if disarm is successfully paid. Since the trap does not go off, he would not have to pay the cost of giving the dark relic to the hero.