Sorcerer King

By Drglord, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Did a search came up empty. We started a new campaign and the OL picked the sorcerer king now the question is the following even though i think we got it right so far.

It says that the SK takes 10 threat in the start of each dungeon i was wondering the other day if that is the start of each level or the start of the WHOLE dungeon. The way we are playing is it the start of the whole dungeon so no extra 10 threat at the start of each level but i have started to wonder if we are doing it wrong (even though i doubt it). Just to be sure we don't handicap our OL.


Since it says at the start of each dungeon, it happens at the start of each dungeon.

Clarification? Do you mean each dungeon level? Each dungeon is vague to me.

get the threat at the start of the dungeon. so pretty much once. you go into the blackwing swamp, that is what gets you the threat once they enter the dungeon. the levels 1, 2 & 3 are something entirely different.

i think the way you are playing it now is correct.

*edit* also note you don't get this ability during encounters.

each dungeon is made up of three levels. thus each dungeon means as a whole all three and each level means individual maps of the dungeon. you get ten threat immediately when entering the first level of the dungeon and play on from there with what you gain each round, nothing more is gained from this special ability when starting a new level of the same dungeon.