House Greyjoy Resin Card

By Aelwe, in A Game of Thrones LCG


I have started playing AGOT recently, I have the Core Set and the Martell, Baratheon and Stark expansions. I was about to buy the Kings of the Sea expansion too and then I read about the reprint with 3x of each card, so I decided to wait for it. However, I would like to have the Greyjoy resin card. ¿Will the card be available to buy alone, like the Martell and Baratheon ones, in the future or it will be safer to just grab one of the older packs that are still around?

I think that some player will gladly sell you one.

Sell? Heck, send me a PM with your address and I'll give you one (assuming I can find the ones I've got).

ktom said:

and I'll give you one.

Actually I wanted to do the same, if it weren't for shipping cost happy.gif

Thanks for the suggestion, but since I live in Europe, shipping would be a bit high. I'll be looking for a chep one ebay I think.

Aelwe said:

Thanks for the suggestion, but since I live in Europe, shipping would be a bit high. I'll be looking for a chep one ebay I think.

You can ask in trade section. There are many players in Europe. You can also check shipping cost from Poland gui%C3%B1o.gif .

I'm sure there are many players with 3 such cards.

Found one at a very good price in ebay, turns out quite a few people are selling them.

Thanks for the comments!

KTom, I would LOVE a Greyjoy resin house card. I've already got the Baratheon and Martel, and if it weren't for the fact that Finding a copy of the Kings of the sear were near impossible I'd own one already. I'm still kind of new to the forums so if someone could show me how to PM you I'd send you my shipping info.

Winged_Human said:

if someone could show me how to PM

Click on his avatar and then "add to my list of friends". No PM here.

Hey guys, sorry to bump an old thread. Just wondering if anyone has a Greyjoy Resin Card that they would be willing to part with for a reasonable price? Please let me know. :)


dubq said:

Hey guys, sorry to bump an old thread. Just wondering if anyone has a Greyjoy Resin Card that they would be willing to part with for a reasonable price? Please let me know. :)


and I as well

I'm looking for one as well if there's any for sale.

I definitely have some I can part with

you can contact me at [email protected]

I would also be interested in purchasing a Greyjoy Resin Card. Thanks.

Were there ever/Will there ever be Stark, Lannister and Targaryen resin cards? I'd gladly purchase the whole set, were FFG to release them...

Mylo said:

Were there ever/Will there ever be Stark, Lannister and Targaryen resin cards? I'd gladly purchase the whole set, were FFG to release them...

I'm sure there will be, in time. But judging by the past, it might take another year or more before all of them have been released.

If anyone in Germany/Europe would like to have a Greyjoy Resin card just contact me. said:

If anyone in Germany/Europe would like to have a Greyjoy Resin card just contact me.

Okay, all cards are gone.

Late bump of old thread, yeah i know..

But i wondered if anyone was selling (maybe giving some away?) some greyjoy resin housecards?

Hey --

Do you still have any house-greyjoy resin cards left? I've been looking for one for some time now.