RTL Skill Cards vs. Standard Descent Skill Cards

By DarthDereck, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Are the Road to Legend Skill cards supposed to be mixed in with the regular skill cards when your starting a campaign? I feel pretty foolish asking but it seems like the RTL skills are supposed to be one-shot use and the regular ones stick with the player.


DarthDereck said:

Are the Road to Legend Skill cards supposed to be mixed in with the regular skill cards when your starting a campaign? I feel pretty foolish asking but it seems like the RTL skills are supposed to be one-shot use and the regular ones stick with the player.


There are no new skills in RtL.

Are there perhaps replacement cards for the three Armour skills - Parry, Deflect Arrows and Willpower? I can't think of any other possibility...

I don't understand your reference to one-shot use at all. Perhaps you might name the cards you are refering to?

DarthDereck said:

Are the Road to Legend Skill cards supposed to be mixed in with the regular skill cards when your starting a campaign? I feel pretty foolish asking but it seems like the RTL skills are supposed to be one-shot use and the regular ones stick with the player.


OK, further investigation shows that there are indeed three skill cards in RtL and they are indeed replacement cards for Parry, Deflect Arrows and Willpower.
RtL pg4
In addition to the cards listed above, there are also new versions of the “Parry,” “Deflect Arrow,” and “Willpower” skill cards. These cards replace their old versions when playing the Advanced Campaign.
In other words, take the three 'vanilla' cards, discard them, and the three 'RtL' cards as replacements.

RtL pg8
2. The skills “Bardic Lore,” “Brawny,” “Ranger,” and “Sharr the Brightwing” are not used in the Advanced Campaign, and should be set aside for its duration. Additionally, the new skill cards for “Parry,” “Deflect Arrow,” and “Willpower” replace the older versions of these cards, which should also be set aside.* Once these changes are made, each hero player draws the skill cards indicated on his hero sheet, plus one extra skill from the skill deck of his choice. Heroes begin the campaign with only one skill, however, so each hero player then chooses one of these skill cards to keep and discards the others back to their appropriate decks. The traits shown on the hero sheets are unchanged in the Advanced Campaign

*In addition, from FAQ pg13, Telekinesis and Bear Tattoo are not used in Advanced Campaigns and should be set aside.

1. Take out Bardic Lore, Brawny, Ranger and Sharr (if you have them - some come from expansions you may not have)
2. Swap out the old versions of Parry, Deflect Arrows and Willpower and put in the new versions instead
3. Remove Telekineses and Bear Tattoo
All these changes are permanent for all RtL campaign play.
4. You can now draw skill cards from the revised decks (5 cards removed, 3 cards swapped with new versions).

There is nothing involving one-shots and originals in any way.

Thanks for replying!

So I've got the Descent Lore Cards in front of me, With the book surounded by purple. Cards like the familiars, Fire pact, inner fire etc.

The cards im referring to have the same picture of the book, but are surounded in yellow. Examples are Magi Madness, Preventing evil and Focus. All of these cards have a little blue icon in the upper right with a black skull on it. They also all appear to request that you "play" them before rolling (and seem quite potent for being used every time).

I should add that although I own all the sets I haven't played with them regularly yet (about 4 single games and Im starting a campaign for the first time).

Does my description make sense? Thanks again for your time.


These are feats not skills but i will let corbon sort this out i would love to see him do that hehe :)

Feats came out with Tomb of Ice. They're separate from skills. Their rules are explained in the ToI rulebook. The only changes made for RtL are listed in the FAQ. IIRC they are:

- No matter what traits you buy you can never get a feat from outside of your skillset.

- You keep the same hand of feat cards for the entire campaign.

No offense but you think someone that can't tell apart skills from feats would benefit from that explanation. I think this is one of the cases that the excess detailed explanation of corbon or antistone is needed. Anyway jumping into an advanced campaign without even the basic knowledge of the most basic mechanics is a a bad idea. IMHO

If they can't tell them apart it's because they haven't read the rulebooks. They should read the rules before trying to play the game. Hence why I pointed them to the ToI rulebook.

Thanks for the replies gang. I'll check out the tom of ice book and read up on feat cards. As far as not being completely familiar with the rules, I learn by doing (reading's half of it, I know) but sadly dont know anyone else who owns the game. "you gotta start somewhere".

Im curious if I should have directed this question somewhere else? Is there an "utter newbee" section?

DarthDereck said:

Thanks for the replies gang. I'll check out the tom of ice book and read up on feat cards. As far as not being completely familiar with the rules, I learn by doing (reading's half of it, I know) but sadly dont know anyone else who owns the game. "you gotta start somewhere".

Im curious if I should have directed this question somewhere else? Is there an "utter newbee" section?

No, you are in the right place.

But perhaps an Advanced Campaign is not the right place to be starting...
You are basically jumping straight into busy traffic without any comprehsension of how to drive, any understanding of the road rules, any planned end point or any planned route of how to get there.
Trust me, it will not end well.

Not having played even the quest is going to be ugly but as long as you are having fun in the process is all okay. I remember our first campaigns being stomped by the OL but thinks got interesting about 100 hours later on later campaigns. If you can stick with a game that long then you should have no problem. If you get easily dissapointed this is definetely not for you.