RTL Lieutenants fortifying

By player553722, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

If a lieutenant is on or with in one path of the overlords keep at that start of the final battle stage may it fortify the keep?

May more than one lieutenant fortify the same dungeon at the same time?

Does Dar Hilzernod's ability mean to take place when fortifying instead of reinforcing?

Mystraca said:

1. If a lieutenant is on or with in one path of the overlords keep at that start of the final battle stage may it fortify the keep?

2. May more than one lieutenant fortify the same dungeon at the same time?

3. Does Dar Hilzernod's ability mean to take place when fortifying instead of reinforcing?

1. Yes. It meets all the requirements and there is no special exception for the OL's keep.

2. Yes. Each Lt's situation is examined individually and there is no rule saying that two can't both reinforce the same dungeon.

3. Almost certainly, it doesn't make sense any other way.

Ehhh what's the difference of fortifying and reinforcing

note. there is no such thing as fortifying.

So i am wondering what does the 3rd question means.

fortifying is when a Lt within one path of a dungeon the heros are entering put into play for free at the start a power card from the overlord deck, such as "hordes of things" or "DOOM". Dar Hilzernod's special ability used at the start of the dungeon it to make the heros all suffer one wound ignoring armor.

reinforcing is the method by which the overlord may introduce additional monsters to an overland encounter, similar to spawning.

Okay i take it back i just read the card and it says when reinforcing... Weird


I never even considered that.

Maybe that means that you get the ability also when you encounter them (LT encounter)?

That could make things interesting and our last OL very angry as we killed him in our last campaign.

Also he has Fly not Soar. Very weird... Why have fly when dragons and demos have soar and you clearly will only encounter him outdoors so why give him fly?

All monsters with Fly have Soar, though he'll never get use out of the Soar half.

It looks like his wording may stem from an earlier version where Soar and Fly were lumped together.

James McMurray said:

All monsters with Fly have Soar, though he'll never get use out of the Soar half.

It looks like his wording may stem from an earlier version where Soar and Fly were lumped together.

But... Has Fly all the monsters with soar?

gran_orco said:

James McMurray said:

All monsters with Fly have Soar, though he'll never get use out of the Soar half.

It looks like his wording may stem from an earlier version where Soar and Fly were lumped together.

But... Has Fly all the monsters with soar?

Monsters with Soar do not automatically have Fly. Monsters with Fly do Automatically have Soar.
RtL pg29 and pg30
All monsters with the Flying ability automatically have the Soar ability as well. Heroes cannot have Soar

Monsters without Fly, but who have Soar, are the larger winged monsters that cannot use their wings inside dungeons due to space constraints. But outdoors they are free to fly properly. So they only need Soar (which ignores terrain entirely and only works outdoors), but not fly (which works indoors and ignores only obstacles (and allows to pass through enemy figures)).

Soar and Fly have never been lumped together more than this, but all (monster) Flyers have always had Soar in RtL.

So we have 2 weird ruling on this one. An ability when reinforcing (does that mean he uses that at the end of the OL turn in LT ecnounter since then you reinforce?) and fly for no reason at all since he could have soar as everyone else does for outdoors.

Drglord said:

So we have 2 weird ruling on this one. An ability when reinforcing (does that mean he uses that at the end of the OL turn in LT ecnounter since then you reinforce?) and fly for no reason at all since he could have soar as everyone else does for outdoors.

Fly and Soar are not the same. Giving him Fly gives him Soar. Giving him only Soar would not give him Fly. That matters a lot when he lands. Nothing odd there at all.