Monster ability q's involving limits of power dice(Advanced campaign)

By player553722, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I have a couple of questions about monster abilities i have not been able to get answers to by searching the forums and from trying the help page twice in the last month. Both relate to are you limited to using 5 power dice maximum to...

1) Constrict: on Soriss has speed 6, am i limited to using 5 power dice if i constrict? If i use a run action and constrict can i use 12? charge and run 24?

2)Swallow: Many heros could have 16+ wounds remaining when swallowed, swallow says to roll one power die per wound is 5 the maximum?

3)Web tokens: web says you roll 1 power die per web token plus one per melee trait. if a hero has 3 web tokens and 3 melee trait can you roll more that 5?

The limit of 5 power dice only applies to attack rolls.

"an attacker may never roll more than five total power dice for a single attack " (JitD Rules p.10, emphasis added)

Isn't Sorris a lieutenant? So there would be no way for her to charge in the actual game, since SoB encounters don't use the OL deck unlike RtL. Even if it were possible, 12 is the max for the constrict. A charge on a running LT does nothing. Charge just lets it move twice its movement on that activation, the same as a run action. The way to use a charge with a LT is with a battle action, so it gets 2 attacks and double movement.

Badend said:

Isn't Sorris a lieutenant? So there would be no way for her to charge in the actual game, since SoB encounters don't use the OL deck unlike RtL. Even if it were possible, 12 is the max for the constrict. A charge on a running LT does nothing. Charge just lets it move twice its movement on that activation, the same as a run action. The way to use a charge with a LT is with a battle action, so it gets 2 attacks and double movement.

You play a Charge card when you activate a monster, and the result is it doubles their Speed. When a figure (now including LTs in AC) declares a Run action, they get MP equal to double their Speed.

You may have a point about no OL cards in SoB encounters (I haven't played SoB yet myself so I'm not that familiar with the rules changes involved) but the basic sequence of Charge and Run sounds to me like it would give Sorris 24 MP if it could somehow be played on her, at least in theory.

I agree that in almost any situation the Charge/Battle combo would be more practical (who needs to move 24 spaces, anyway?) but as long as Constrict isn't an attack, this would be a good way to make someone's life unpleasant. Again, in theory.

Charge and run doesn't quadruple movement so that assumption is wrong and it has been cleared by the designers themselves in the answers. If you read the card it doesn't say anywhere about doubling it's movement points. So if you charge and run you still get a normal run. As someone said the trick is to charge and battle hence getting 2 attacks and run.

cards in encounters within SoB are the same as RtL. if you have treachery you get to spend it on cards for encounters either as treachery cards or two regular cards from the overlords deck of the same type. so if you purchased event treachery you could have a charge. if you want your Lt to have two attacks and double movement you would probably have to declare a run and play rage on him.

charge reads " play when you activate a monster. double the monsters speed for this activation."

rage reads "play when you activate a monster. the monster may attack twice during this activation (four times if it has quick shot".

my interpretation of this is if you declare a battle you have no movement to double however if you rage it gives you two attacks this round regardless of anything else. it is possible you could charge and battle but i dont see it working the way the cards read.

Drglord is (understandably) confused by the bizarre and arbitrary minutiae of Rage and Charge. There was a clarification from the designers about Rage, saying that playing Rage on a Battle action wouldn't help you, because you're already entitled to 2 attacks, but that Rage on a Run would let you make 2 attacks and move twice your speed.

However, Charge doesn't say you can move twice your speed, it says that your speed is doubled. Then running lets you move twice your speed. So if we take the card literally, that definitely sounds like a 4x movement turn.

Dwome said:

cards in encounters within SoB are the same as RtL.

Only if you're house ruling it. By RAW there are no treachery cards in lieutenant encounters for SoB.

Drglord said:

Charge and run doesn't quadruple movement so that assumption is wrong and it has been cleared by the designers themselves in the answers. If you read the card it doesn't say anywhere about doubling it's movement points.

Movement Points are never doubled by any game mechanic. You receive a variable number of MP based on your Speed value and the Action you declared. In particular, the Run action gives you MP equal to twice your Speed. Charge is played when you activate a figure (ie: when you touch it or say "I'm going to activate this figure now") and its effect is to double the figure's Speed value. Thus when you play Charge and declare a run, the MP you receive will be 2x(2xSpeed.)

Simply claiming the rule has been clarified by the designers doesn't help you prove your point. Please provide a citation for this clarification or keep your comments rooted in the actual printed text. I'm personally not aware of any such clarification by the designers, but I also don't have the entire FAQ memorized, so if you can show me specifically where they have clarified this, I will gladly examine this new evidence and take it into consideration.

I take it back the clarification was for rage not giving 4 attacks on a battle action so i took it further for charging. Means we have been playing it wrong since a stunned master monster can't choose to attack and then play charge on it thus giving him double speed and attack. My bad for not reading charge thorougly. Again i was confused by the trick of RUN - Rage double movement - 2 attacks hence. But still that leaves the OL with the stunned master monster that can choose to move and play rage on it to get 2 attacks.

True charge gives you double speed hence if you choose to run you would get 4 times the speed in MP. So i stand corrected.