Sea of Blood - Secret Training; Movement

By Marximus, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

The hero players in my group believe that once they complete training in the secret training area at Gray's Vale, they may immediately return to their home port as if they had completed the final level of a dungeon (via the portal). As there are no portals and no glyphs of transport at secret training areas (at least none that I can find in the rules), I think not.

Am I missing something? This is a big issue for us as it is a 4 game-week slog back to Garnott and my lieutenant is laying siege (actually breaking the chains binding the beast) at Cerridor Sea.

Marximus said:

The hero players in my group believe that once they complete training in the secret training area at Gray's Vale, they may immediately return to their home port as if they had completed the final level of a dungeon (via the portal). As there are no portals and no glyphs of transport at secret training areas (at least none that I can find in the rules), I think not.

Am I missing something? This is a big issue for us as it is a 4 game-week slog back to Garnott and my lieutenant is laying siege (actually breaking the chains binding the beast) at Cerridor Sea.

What on earth gave them that idea?
Certainly nothing in the rules. They deserve a friendly telling off (tease/wind up) for "making up rules out of nothing to suit yourselves". lengua.gif

They are Training at a training ground. They couldn't glyph back to their home port even if they were in a city training (cities do have glyphs etc).

All they have to do though is enter the next dungeon (next week) and glyph back 'home' some time during or after that dungeon.

Corbon said:


What on earth gave them that idea?
Certainly nothing in the rules. They deserve a friendly telling off (tease/wind up) for "making up rules out of nothing to suit yourselves". lengua.gif

My thoughts exactly. My group is made up of four hard-core, veteran role players. They just can't seem to fully understand that I am not their GM and have no responsibility to balance the game for them or otherwise make things "fair." They believe that, in the absence of a specific rule on point, any ambiguity should be resolved in their favor.

That's why I didn't feel sorry for them when I wiped the party on the final level of the last dungeon before they made it to the secret training site. I earned enough conquest to push us to silver so they basically missed out on an opportunity to boost health/fatigue in the copper campaign level. I had to argue that rule with them as well but, fortunately, it's clearly stated and their is no wiggle room.

Unlucky for the heroes that divine favor didn't go up before they wiped. SInce the conquest for it is calculated after every conquest gain, they might have saved a few conquest.

If you allow heroes to attack each other / themselves, one emergency teleport option is for the party to all kill themselves, and then follow the encounter party wipe rules. It would be a slight houserule to let them do so on the overland map, but a cool desperate measure.