I had some questions about the rules for submission that I hope my fellow forumites can answer for me. Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
1. After submitting to the Angles, the Brigantes cannot attack them. The book specifies that the Angles cannot move through Brigante-occupied spaces. My question is, can the Brigante move through Angle-occupied areas and choose not to attack?
2. The FAQ states "Brigante armies in areas other than Scotland and Galloway may abandon those areas when the Brigantes have submitted to Angles. (Since the Angles can attack them, the Brigantes can abandon.)" I don't really understand this quote since the rulebook already states that the Brigante can move out of areas without permission from the Angles. It almost implies that the Brigante get a free move or something.
3. Brigante submission to the Angles works much likes submission to the Romans, according to the book. Players in control of a nation that can submit to Rome may do so at the end of a Roman movement phase. Does this mean Brigante can submit to the Angles at the end of an Angle movement phase?