Newbie question2:Leadership (resloved)

By pusapapa, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

"Leadership",the melee attack card was written:"When you declare a Ready action,you may move your speed and make 1 attack. You may allow another hero to place the readied order instead of placing the order yourself ."

It means that another hero place his own order token for you,or nother hero place his own order token for himself

pusapapa said:

"Leadership",the melee attack card was written:"When you declare a Ready action,you may move your speed and make 1 attack. You may allow another hero to place the readied order instead of placing the order yourself ."

It means that another hero place his own order token for you,or nother hero place his own order token for himself

This means that the person who has the Leadership skill can give an order token to another hero, not vice versa.

It is important to note that this card has been reworded and tweaked in one of the future expansions.

Thanks.But I can't fully understand your means.Can you explain it more specific

aplauso.gif I haven't its expansion,but I hoe

pusapapa said:

Thanks.But I can't fully understand your means.Can you explain it more specific

Leadership has been revised.
When you declare a Ready action, you may immediately spend 1 fatigue to take 3 half actions instead of 2 half actions (one half action must still be an order half action).
In addition, when you place an order, you may allow another hero to place the order instead.

A half-action is either gain movement points equal to your speed, gain 1 attack, or place one order. There is also a special 'Concentration' half action (IIRC) only applicable to one expansion. The FAQ says that each of the three half actions must be different.

In summary, Leadership costs 1 fatigue when you declare a Ready action and then allows you to the same thing as an Advance action (move and attack, but your declared action is Ready, not Advance) as well as allowing any hero (yourself or another) to place one order.

It's particular explain.I understand it now.