Newbie question:About (resloved)

By pusapapa, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

My question about power card "trapmaster".The phrase"Trap cards that deal damage deal an additional 2 wounds" be shown on it

"2 wounds" be added to the damage before or after the hero roll power dice

pusapapa said:

My question about power card "trapmaster".The phrase"Trap cards that deal damage deal an additional 2 wounds" be shown on it

"2 wounds" be added to the damage before or after the hero roll power dice

If the hero is rolling a single die to avoid the whole trap (ie: pit) then a "save" will avoid this damage as well - the trap doesn't deal the extra damage unless it deals damage in the first place.

If the hero is rolling X dice and reducing wounds based on how many "save" results he gets, then the number of dice rolled is NOT modified to account for the bonus damage from Trapmaster. So the +2 wounds from Trapmaster will go through even if he "saves" with all dice.

I suppose that means "before," but the question as phrased doesn't make the most sense.

Thank for your replay.I think so.

it's over topic can be edit after I replied