new scenery store category (no products yet)

By TylerTT, in Dust Tactics has two new product pages for dust tactics scenery! there are no products in them yet but i'm fairly sure we will be able to buy stuff soon!

thats already been posted before but my guess is its gonna be some of the stuff in the operation blue thunder rulebook some walls, the russian pod and the axis eagle will be first.

For the time being just but Tamiya 1/48 and Verdelinen scenery kits

Tamiya makes a great Brick Wall/Sandbag/Tank Traps

And verdelien makes all sorts of great 1/48 stuff German Houses,wrecked cobblestone street you name it they probally have it.

I forgot i had one of those Tamiya wall, sand bag, tank trap kits! i guess i have a good reason to put it together now!

i love that this game is scaled 1/48!

Thanks for the info. I did know about the Tamiya set ( which I just picked up the other day ), but I was unaware of the company Verdelien. I will have to look into what they offer and how to get some.

On a side note when I picked up Tamiya set I saw that they also make a box of troops in 1/48 scale and so I picked up a set of german troops which I should have put together soon and hope to make a card for them. as a basic troop type. hopefully I can get some pics up this week of them.