Hey guys! My first post here, just wanted to share some of my non-canon WH40K fan art. Let's say these are mostly 'inspired' by the 40K universe, lol...
Starting off with Magnus the Red.
Hey guys! My first post here, just wanted to share some of my non-canon WH40K fan art. Let's say these are mostly 'inspired' by the 40K universe, lol...
Starting off with Magnus the Red.
Crap... ok, I'm not doing something right...
Right click -> View Image
(Worked for me)
In the nam of the Holy Emperor!
You are good! Keep them coming!
You have my eternal respect!
Thanks for the kind words! I'd like to post more, but I'm having some issues linking images to this forum for some reason...
jubjubjedi said:
Thanks for the kind words! I'd like to post more, but I'm having some issues linking images to this forum for some reason...
Probably because of image sizes? The Dark Heresy Fan Art subforum has some guidelines, I think they do apply here as well.
Fantastic, love it. I'm sure we'd all love to see more.
I like the CSM, can we see the full pic, I wanta know what the side-bars say.
Thanks! I can't really post the entire board because of size limitations, but it says:
"Vuujold 'The Flayer' proudly carries the banner of Chaos God Slaanesh into battle. A member of the corrupted Emperor's Children chapter, his bizarred warp-infected armor undulates and writhes with the souls of his countless victims. His visage having been heavily scarred by millenia of fighting, Vuujold's depraved vanity compels him to wear the faces of warriors he has deemed beautiful."
So full of good cheeziness, LOL!!
All I can say is.... WOW.
Some really awesome pieces! That is a fantastic version of Magnus!
Simply fantastic!!!
A breathtaking picture again... Nothing more need to be sad!
Congratulations! Can't wait for the next one!
Thats one of the best Magnus fan arts I have ever seen!! I really hope you add more of your images here (or link to a webpage of yours or something)
Love the slannesh champion! I'd love to see others! Inspiring, might put some stats together for it and stick him in a scenario!
Dude just soooooo awesome!
I like how Magus has the crazy eye going. The traitorus scum is well done as well... seeing his face stretched taught made me grimace.
That work is ABSOLUTELY SICK! Keep it up!