PDF Abilities and Weapons Reference Sheet

By hey_yu, in Dust Tactics

Another quick question. Didn't see this post anywhere and didn't see a download either. I was wondering if there was a PDF of a quick reference sheet for the abilities and weapons. It would be nice to have this listed on a one double-sided sheet for easy play. Right now I only see the Rulebook which I need to print out 3 double-sided pages to gather the information.


What i want to know is why is this information not on the back of unit cards.

i think i saw the backs of the cards were printed right?

Well you could print just print the extra pages from the rulebook or you can copy the text from the pdf rulebook and shrink it to make it all fit on one page.

TylerT said:

What i want to know is why is this information not on the back of unit cards.

i think i saw the backs of the cards were printed right?

your right and it really shouldn't be that much more expensive to print out the extra side instead of the dust tactics logo

arkangl said:

Well you could print just print the extra pages from the rulebook or you can copy the text from the pdf rulebook and shrink it to make it all fit on one page.

Guess I have to print it out the pages. It would be nice if FFG creates a PDF for a quick reference guide and place the information on a single double-sided sheet. In the starter box I saw they had a quick reference guide for playing the game. I think they would've been better served using this sheet for a reference guide for abilities, weapons, etc (Essentially the info on pages 17-22 minus the instructions).

TylerT said:

What i want to know is why is this information not on the back of unit cards.

i think i saw the backs of the cards were printed right?

Personally I think it's a wise decision to not print the information on the back of the unit cards. It gives them an avenue to easily change the Special Ability if there needs to be readjusting in the rules, errata, or some type of reference guide.

ehh. that's less of a concern. plenty of games have found ways to distribute new cards when they get changed. you could also argue that you would need a new card if they change the damage, range or weapons load out of a unit or mech.

i'm guessing the rules are not on the back of the card because they

1 did not think about doing that

2 did not want to bother with the layout work

How about the rules are not on the back of the cards because the tabletop version will have an activation chain like AT-43!

i had not thought of that! that sounds quite intresting. how did that work in AT-43 ?

TylerT said:

i had not thought of that! that sounds quite intresting. how did that work in AT-43 ?

At the start of each round you have to place a card for each unit face down on the table and you take it in turn to activate one card. The thing is that you obviously don't know what order your opponent has placed their cards in so you don't know what unit is activating next. It also brings in the tactical element that you have to plan the order of your activations in advance and if things go wrong work with the activation order you made for yourself.

There are rules that allow for cards to be moved during the round and ways to delay an activation and double activate.

That could be really fun! The rules could be re-worded so Black Ops allowed you to change the order of your cards at any point durring a round... whooooOOOoooo.....

you still roll for authority to see who goes first each round so Black Ops could stay the same but yes all sort of extra rules are possible to allow for cards to be moved.

yea a table top version sound pretty cool