Hellhound, Breath, and a Yellow dice.

By begust, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

What is the point of the yellow dice? The Breath attack uses a template not range. A yellow dice has nothing but numbers on it. Shouldn't this be a red dice sense the Breath attack is a melee attack?


begust said:

What is the point of the yellow dice? The Breath attack uses a template not range. A yellow dice has nothing but numbers on it. Shouldn't this be a red dice sense the Breath attack is a melee attack?


The yellow dice are designed to give an attack more range. While the green dice are designed to give an attack more damage. The yellow dice have I believe 1 heart on them. One heart is better than no heart. I don't have an answer as to why the developers gave certain dice to each attack roll. Sometimes though it can make sense flavorwise as with the Crossbow and Bow. The Crossbow has a green die while the Bow has a yellow die. A crossbow would do more damage up close to a target while a regular Bow goes for distance. The dice included in an attack roll for a specific type of attack (melee, magic, ranged) usually scale up with increased Treasure level and/or Monster level (in the Advanced Campaign). I don't recall a Breath attack that is also a melee attack. I know that hellhounds are categorized as having a Ranged attack so no red die.

I'm a bit confused by this question–

If you assert that the yellow dice have "nothing but numbers on them", then you must have inspected them. But if that were true, you should have seen that that 2 sides have a wound on them, and 2 sides have a surge. That means that 2/3 of the time, something is rolled that helps the Overlord. Your dice must have been misprinted. I encourage you to contact FFG for a refund.

You can learn about dice particulars here- http://www.descentinthedark.com/_d_/dice.php - but I warn you, it spoils some of the magic of it all.

Also, the hell-hound can opt not to use its breath, if it wants to hazard a sniper shot from across the board. And a breath attack is not a melee. The definition of a melee attack is an attack that uses a Red die. (yes, Corbon, with the exception of morphing or the RtL Golem)


phelanward said:

(yes, Corbon, with the exception of morphing or the RtL Golem)

Just to save Corbon some time....the actual definition of a melee attack is an attack with the melee icon next to it (red sword, the same as the icon next to the melee traits)

Agree with everyone else on the subject of yellow dice having wounds and surges. Hellhounds don't do much damage at all, but at least they do it to multiple targets.

Have you tried to improve them (beast) to silver? ;-)

Hell hounds on anything above silver are deadly. Copper and vanilla are there for a good laugh only.