Sea of Blood - Heroes fleeing from encounter question.

By Nedro, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hello everyone,

I have a question regarding fleeing from ecounter in Sea of Blood.

Hereoes had an encouter "Death Takes Wing" where overlord didnt have any ship and have no possibility to spawn/reinforce monsters that can control ships (only manticores are available in this encounter).

We randomed map "Tropical Shower" for the encounter. The heroes in their first turn used the captains wheel to move their ship 4 spaces to their left so there were no obstacles in front of the ship till the end of the map. Then they just jump into water and left the ocean map. What happens then?

I assume this is not considered as automatic end of encouter since the Revenge didnt reach the end of the map. The ocean currents direction was pushing the Revenge to the exit on the oposite side of the ocean map. Also as i said above, the OL only had manticores available for this encounter, which cannot man the ship stations. There were also no obstacles in front of ship.

As an Overlord i was really pissed of that i can do nothing. Heroes fled from the map, and i could not change the ship direction. The ocean currents where slowly moving Revenge to the end of map...

What shall we do in such situation? Is there any vanilla rule or house rule that you folks use?

Thanks in advance for any replies!

Fleeing, page 19:

A figure not on a ship may flee the map by simply moving off
any edge of the map, whereupon it is removed. A hero or
monster that flees an encounter may not return to it later.

So I would say that if all heroes flee it should be a party flight result .

Nedro said:

What shall we do in such situation? Is there any vanilla rule or house rule that you folks use?

The rule is that the fight continues until the revenge floats off of the board, but since there's nothing the OL could do in that instance it's faster to just pick up the map and move on.

Can't Manticores hit the Revenge and sink it?

Ap0 said:

Can't Manticores hit the Revenge and sink it?

No. Only cannons and specified others (the Giant encounter for example) can damage ships. Normal atatcks do not.

gran_orco said:

Fleeing, page 19:

A figure not on a ship may flee the map by simply moving off
any edge of the map, whereupon it is removed. A hero or
monster that flees an encounter may not return to it later.

So I would say that if all heroes flee it should be a party flight result .

However, in order to achieve the party flight result, the Revenge has to leave the map (SoB pg18).
All the heroes fleeing the map does not fulfill the requirements for party flight result.

In this case, the result will be a party flight, eventually, because the OL does not have any creatures which can harm or maneouver the Revenge and there are no obstacles in it's drifting path that will wreck it.
But in other cases, if the heroes all flee it may be possible for the OL to sink the Revenge, or run it aground after the heroes have left. In which case, the result will be a Total Party Kill result (even though no heroes died and the OL earned no CT).

actually, the overlord does have monsters that can man stations. because they do not have melee as their main trait, they use their off trait dice pool from the chart in the rule book. at copper they would use two power dice to try and move the ship. just because a figure has fly or soar does not mean they have to be using it all the time. the dice pools increase as you move through the game, not sure though if it states as the campaign progresses or as monsters level increases.

so if the heros wish to leave the map and let the overlord sail the revenge into something and sink it let them, total party kill is always an acceptible outcome when i am ol"ing.

here is the chart i found on page 27 of the SoB rule book

Monster Traits Copper Level Silver Level Gold Level Diamond Level
Trait 4 black 2 silver, 2 black 4 silver 2 gold, 2 silver

Secondary 2 black 4 black 2 silver, 2 black 4 silver

so if the manticore wanted to fire a hawkeye cannon it would move adjacent to the cannon and spen 3 movement to man the cannon then use its primary trait dice to fire it. however, if it wanted to turn the ship it would move adjacent to the ships wheel spend three movement to man the helm and roll its secondary trait dice to try and turn the ship. they also can the anchor and raise/lower sails to make the ship more vulnerable to fire from npc cannons if any are available.

Directly under that chart is a list of which monsters can man stations. Manticores are not on that list.

Humanoid: All
Eldritch: Dark Priest, Shade, Skeleton, Sorcerer
Beast: Naga

there we go, thats what i get for being hasty. look for the answer and stop reading when i find what i want. good catch. looks like the heros get away then.

i see a few others i would have given the ability to use things such as the ships wheel and rigging but thats the way it goes some times.