Future plans for Descent?

By Vel, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Is there any more new material planned for Descent? I really like the game and there are a number of things I would like to see (and purchase! :) like

* A new world/map for more campaign play

* New quests using the same rule with a more roleplaying feel to it like an adventure that stretches across several dungeons (not using campaign rules)

* More heroes, items, quests (for campaign play), treasures, monsters and what not. Building our own heroes using a character generator is all fine and dandy but I actually want them printed like all other stuff so that nothing sticks out as obviously home made

Why not have all fans and players give suggestions and ideas to Fantasy Flight Games about heroes, treasure, items and so forth. That would most likely result in a massive amount of material to choose from :)

In short; give us more Descent! :D

They are supposed to announce something next month about something new in Terrinoth, but they have not said if it is Descent or one of the other games that occupy the world of Terrinoth.

"First-hand details about our as-yet-unannounced new game set in Terrinoth"

Considering that SOB was based on user requests i would not like them to follow any more advises of the players. Seems they tend to follow the wrong steps.

I was hoping they'ed be making a World of Mennara RPG. Give us a chance to roleplay in the Runebound / Descent / Dungeonquest / Runewars world, but that might be asking too much. Fantasy Flight games has to rip off Games Workshop for a good RPG system. They just don't have the creative juices to create their own campaign world it appears. Even Midnight has to rip of Dungeons and Dragons for it to work.

the new Dungeonquest game has 4 new heroes in it. And, true to form, they've included cards to use these heroes in Descent, Runebound, and Runewars.

Runebound seems to lead the Descent game in expansion lands. We have a "Tomb of Ice" dungeon expansion so a campaign box in land of "The Frozen Wastes" (Runebound) would make sense. However, a campaign box was the last major Descent release (Sea of Blood, a mirror of the "Island of Dread" Runebound game) and so a dungeon expansion box would be the next logical expansion. I'm hoping for someting related to the Sands of Al-Kalim.

Honestly I would just like more pre made dungeons books. We got a 1 and nothing more it seems. If they made more that hardback booklets with new quests or even a paper back one (just like in the advance games) with all the dungeons from each box set all in one that would make my day. Even throw in some Fan made ones for good measure it would also increase people wanting to design quest via the tools to see if they can get theirs enterd if more books were made.