2 player RTL

By luckycharms94, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I think a RTL campaign with two players may turn out kind of well, with one person as the overlord and the other as the band of heroes...but what do you think?

luckycharms94 said:

I think a RTL campaign with two players may turn out kind of well, with one person as the overlord and the other as the band of heroes...but what do you think?

We've done it a lot. It is the best way to play it to be honest. You don't have to get multiple people together regularly (a major problem when you all have lives and families).

We have a complete set each, so we usually had two campaigns going at a time - one at his place with him OLing and one at my place with me OLing. Play one week at his place and next week at mine.