SoB Overlord Monster Upgrade Strategy

By Marximus, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

We are about to go to silver level in our campaign. I am using Captain Bones as the OL and have already upgraded my eldritch to silver. Once the campaign level goes up to silver, should I upgrade humanoid and/or beast monsters to silver as well or should I immediately push eldritch to gold?

The campaign has swung back and forth with the heroes having an early advantage in conquest, the OL roaring back after the eldritch silver upgrade and, lately, the heroes have had a slight advantage (though I still have a 10 point lead in conquest).

What's the general consensus - full speed ahead with Eldritch or balance?

Depends on the experience you want.

Gold Eldritch is more probably competitive. Personally, I would bring the beasts to silver, since they show more on the islands and encounters.

But really, the OL doesn't need that much help. Sooner or later, he'll wipe the floor with them Just do whatever is going to be the most fun.

I was in the same position, same avatar in my last campaign. I went with humanoids– heroes came to fear the Lone Medusa! It was a blast: I just used the imbalance of SoB to try out strategies and treachery cards I'd never thought about before.

Either way, don't fret over it. Monster upgrades are always powerful– I don't think there's a single other mechanic more redeemable for gains in conquest.


Marximus said:

We are about to go to silver level in our campaign. I am using Captain Bones as the OL and have already upgraded my eldritch to silver. Once the campaign level goes up to silver, should I upgrade humanoid and/or beast monsters to silver as well or should I immediately push eldritch to gold?

The campaign has swung back and forth with the heroes having an early advantage in conquest, the OL roaring back after the eldritch silver upgrade and, lately, the heroes have had a slight advantage (though I still have a 10 point lead in conquest).

What's the general consensus - full speed ahead with Eldritch or balance?

I don't think there s a consensus.
For Captain Bones I favour a double upgrade for Humanoids at Silver level. SoB levels are better for humanoids, and humanoids get their 'big boost' from Silver to gold (most eldritch get a much more minor boost from silver to gold).
Also, your skeletons should be one-shot weapons, firing then exploding, so boosting their wounds isnlt particularly valuable.

I do think it is a waste of time (well, resources) to upgrade everything though.