Laurel question, and first RtL run (all expansions)

By Crl1981, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

This question came up when we started our RtL campaign:

Does Laurel's ability allow her to change ALL her uneeded range into damge for the price of a silnge stamina? Or does it allow her to change 1 range for 1 damage, for 1 stamina?

Our Overlord luckily allowed us to mulligen our draws when we drew out 1 ehh hand, and 1 really bad hand, only if everybody redrew. Too bad we couldn't have used the draws from the 2 players that had good draws all of theirs was really good! Our secend draw resulted in Tahlia, Grey Kerr (my Character), Vyrah(didn't want to play Karnon), and Spirit speaker Mok(only magic draw in the whole group) Oh yeah 9 of the heroes we drew from the second set were redraws form the first :(

The overlord is playing the Great Wyrm with the Eternal Nightfall plot, and he played lawlessness with his starting xp

Our first introduction to the campaing has met with some disaster, our first week we hit bad weather and were sent home immedietely, our second attempt going to the same place resulted in another encounter this time fighting shades. Stupid trees with ghost and our fighter was useless. When we finally got to Starfall Forest we got a TOI encounter in a bunch of trees with more shades! After several heroes fell we gave up and exited without killing the level boss. Our next attempt at a dungeon resulted in another encounter along the way this time against razorwings, luckily our OL decided to cut us a break and allowed us to kill the master razorwing, he could jump up kill a hero and run through the whole he just created into another tree, making the ranged guys almost useless. We finally ended the night at Thelsvan Highway, hopefully we get a good set of dungeons so that we can hopefully stop Alric from raising Vynevale. There are some really good skills there, I would love to get Born to the Bow, my draw at the start of the game gave me Quick Draw (the OL really doesn't like it).

Well thanks for the help!

Laurel allows all excess range to be converted to damage for the price of 1 fatigue.

You got pretty unlucky with encounters. The Razorwings, and especially the Shades (Shadow of the Past, I think?), are incredibly difficult as far as encounters go, particularly if the location is one that deters running. Be glad that you met them before they got upgraded, though.

I don't recall off-hand if this is in the official rules, but my group decided that it was more fun to put all encounters, dungeons, and incidents into the campaign graveyard after they are met (at least until we run out and have to re-shuffle.) This makes it less boring, and also means that an encounter or dungeon, however profitable or crippling, is likely only to be met once.


After our initial encounters our OL decided to do the same thing, of sending encounters to the graveyard.

We recycle the encounter cards, but generally discard incidents and dungeons for the same reason. It's not in the rules anywhere, but like you, we generally prefer the variety.

I have decided to keep a running log of our campaign, using this post that I have already started. I am hoping to get advice as we go, and that other players can also benefit from this log. If you don't have the game handy the link is a nice resource to use. So without further adieu.

We left off our first session in pretty bad straights, bad draws demoralized the players. With Sir Alric besieging Vynevale threatening to relieve us of some valuable skills, Born to the Bow to accompany Rapid Fire on Grey Kerr, we were hoping for a good set of dungeons to send the Lt packing. Our first dungeon turned out to be the Gauntlet, -3 threat to play a trap card. The OL chose to deploy some nastieness in the form of Hellhounds, and an Ogre. With Grey Kerr having only 2 health I immediately went back to town to heal and let the party handle the beginning of the the level alone. The rest of the party spread out and declared Guard orders to prepare for a fight. The overlord responded by summoning a Kobold swarm making traps -5 to play! Unfortunately for the overlord the party moved well and was able to deal with each and every threat that he threw at us, and he didn't draw a single trap the entire time! We lost a single hero.

The Second level hurt us more. I can't remember the name of the level but there were a couple of bottomless pits on either side of us on the approach to the main part of the level, and a Mastor Razorwing that had the chance of getting knockback on every hit. ***Correction Knockaround*** The overlord also sprung on us our first Golem plus four razorwings. We initially krept up to the pits trying to avoid the possibility of bieing knocked into them for teo turns taking guard actions as we moved forward. The overlord responded by preparing all his monsters for an attack, and summoning Dark Priests. On his second turn he was able to summon again, this time Skeletons. Our Tank, Tahlia saw an opportunity, using her guard action she charged out and got an attack on the level boss, this caused to OL to rethink his strategy, and he started his charge into our line. Moving his skeletons out first he forced my hand, I had to use my guard action either to being damaged or to kill a skeleton and not my real choice of target a dark priest. The OL ended killing me with his priests. This started a cascade as his Golem prevented anything our other 2 heroes could do by blocking LOS to anything else. Tahlia was surrounded but holding her own at the moment. Our overlord smelled blood and was after squishier targets, our other heroes were backing up and doing what they could but without being able to pierce the Golems Ironhide it looked like they were gonna have to use the rune to transport back to town then throught the other gliph that our tank had activated for us. Luck showed its humourus side when our mage Mok using his burst rune to attempt to kill the Master Dark Priest, and a razorwing behind the Golem needing four surges to do it, spent 5 stamina total to upgrade power dice, giving him 3 black and 2 silver, didn't get the results we had wanted instead he rolled zero surges and enough straight damage to masacre the golem. This is when the dungeon turned to the players favor.

The third level turned out to be a fight with a dragon, though worried we were gonna give it a real good attempt. With only basic hellhounds in any real combat range we ran up to meet the challenge. The overlords initial attacks meet with little reward. Our mage proved his worth yet again, shooting his blast shot in the middle of a bunch of models the were stacked up because of the dungeon layout he killed a Naga, Hellhound, Master Hellhound and a medusa in one blow. After this hit the OL pulled back his advancing dragon, and summoned more kobolds, whose initial attacks did little against us again our tank ragged ahead of the party with a battle action, and spending stamina to move Tahlia was able to kill the last boss of the dungeon. The Overlord responded by raging a kobold who then killed two heroes! We decided to conclude our evening of Decent the tally was Players 20 CQ, OL 26.

I didn't cover all deaths or exchanges for the evening but did cover a lot of how the game kept turning back and forth between the OL, and players. We concluded that the party was in great shape now, we had started with about 1100 gold and ended with about 2700, plus a total of 29 CQ, yes our first 2 weeks were absolutely brutal to us, but we made a lot of headway for the third and hope to make it through to Riverwatch and spend a couple weeks shopping for items to upgrade the party then on to give Sir Alric a run for his money in Vynelvale.

Comments, suggestions, points of interest are welcome, thanks!!!!