RTL - Lt encounters: how many cards w/o treachery cost can OL have?

By Falculus, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Rulebook page 16 under "Encounters Involving Lieutenants" (bold emphasis mine): "In addition, if the overlord has any treachery, he may spend it on a hand of cards. Each card added to his hand in this way costs its normal treachery cost. Additionally, two cards without a treachery cost can be added to his hand for one treachery of the correct type (although Power cards can’t be added to his hand at all). "

Does this mean (a) two cards without treachery cost maximum or (b) two cards without treachery cost for each treachery of the correct type?


That is a bit ambiguous. My group has played it to allow that exchange multiple times. I can see how that could be very powerful if abused.


Falculus said:

Rulebook page 16 under "Encounters Involving Lieutenants" (bold emphasis mine): "In addition, if the overlord has any treachery, he may spend it on a hand of cards. Each card added to his hand in this way costs its normal treachery cost. Additionally, two cards without a treachery cost can be added to his hand for one treachery of the correct type (although Power cards can’t be added to his hand at all). "

Does this mean (a) two cards without treachery cost maximum or (b) two cards without treachery cost for each treachery of the correct type?

(b). It could be (a) but there isn't any good reason why it would be restricted and there is at least one good reason why you might need to use multiples - if you don't have treachery cards - because the simplified treachery rules don't work in Lt encounters.

Corbon said:

Falculus said:

Rulebook page 16 under "Encounters Involving Lieutenants" (bold emphasis mine): "In addition, if the overlord has any treachery, he may spend it on a hand of cards. Each card added to his hand in this way costs its normal treachery cost. Additionally, two cards without a treachery cost can be added to his hand for one treachery of the correct type (although Power cards can’t be added to his hand at all). "

Does this mean (a) two cards without treachery cost maximum or (b) two cards without treachery cost for each treachery of the correct type?

(b). It could be (a) but there isn't any good reason why it would be restricted and there is at least one good reason why you might need to use multiples - if you don't have treachery cards - because the simplified treachery rules don't work in Lt encounters.

Thank you, Corbin. That argument makes a lot of sense.