Clarification on Healing and Skill rules

By v3biker, in Arkham Horror Second Edition

Hi Guys, I have a few rules I would like to clear up:

1) Characters who have healing powers (the psychiatrist and the doctor): I know the power only works if a character is in the same space as those characters, but do those powers still take effect if I am simply passing through their location (ie: during movement)? or do I simply have to end my movement in their location for those powers to happen?

2) When I draw a skill card that reads (ie: +1 fight. Text: skill allows you one extra die when using clue tokens for fight checks) , does it mean that I get a +1 to my fight always, and whenever I decide to use a clue token for a fight check, I get to have an extra die as well?

3) This is just a general question, and I was wondering how everyone plays this ability:

When I am playing Harvey the Prof, his special power is that he can reduce all sanity losses he suffers by one, but I associate spell sanity costs with sanity losses as well. Is that how you guys play?

Thanks for the help.


1) Characters who have healing powers (the psychiatrist and the doctor): I know the power only works if a character is in the same space as those characters, but do those powers still take effect if I am simply passing through their location (ie: during movement)? or do I simply have to end my movement in their location for those powers to happen?

Mageith: I think the effect takes place in Upkeep, so no

2) When I draw a skill card that reads (ie: +1 fight. Text: skill allows you one extra die when using clue tokens for fight checks) , does it mean that I get a +1 to my fight always, and whenever I decide to use a clue token for a fight check, I get to have an extra die as well?

Mageith: Good news. There's two separate abilities there. So, yes, always +1 Fight and extra dice for fights

3) This is just a general question, and I was wondering how everyone plays this ability: When I am playing Harvey the Prof, his special power is that he can reduce all sanity losses he suffers by one, but I associate spell sanity costs with sanity losses as well. Is that how you guys play?

Mageith: Bad news. If that were so, he'd be almost half as powerful as Daisy the Librarian. preocupado.gif That just wouldn't be right! Actually there is a FAQ that spells out the difference between costs and losses.

mageith said:

Mageith: Bad news. If that were so, he'd be almost half as powerful as Daisy the Librarian. preocupado.gif That just wouldn't be right!

Half indeed! GAAAAH enfadado.gif !

*runs off to calm himself down

Dam said:

mageith said:

Mageith: Bad news. If that were so, he'd be almost half as powerful as Daisy the Librarian. preocupado.gif That just wouldn't be right!

Half indeed! GAAAAH enfadado.gif !

*runs off to calm himself down

Took the words right out of my mouth and even put a poetic ring to them.

Dam said:

Half indeed! GAAAAH enfadado.gif ! *runs off to calm himself down

I was being conservative. Sorry.