Tunic, Cloak of Deception, Cloak of Mists & Elven Cloak Vs. Pierce

By Wild-Duck, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Is the effect of the Cloaks ignored completely or do the Heros still get to roll for the wounds?

Only the armor provided by the cloak is ignored nothing else. It also has been answered officially that pierce doesn't negate their ability to prevent wounds. Older guys (in descent) think said that at one time that was the case but they changed it. Corbon even has added a FAQ question about it but he will agree also.

Drglord is thinking about damage that "ignores armor", not about the Pierce ability, so pretty much everything he said is wrong.

However, I would argue that Pierce provides no benefit against the wound-cancelling dice of the Tunic, etc. In addition to the fact that those abilities don't actually use the word "armor", they use very similar wording to shields, which are used as a specific example in the rules of a case where Pierce doesn't apply.

But even if you somehow interepreted Pierce to help against a tunic, where does "ignored completely" come from? Pierce only lets you ignore "1 point of armor for each rank of Pierce." Even if canceling a wound was the same as +1 armor, you'd only get to ignore 1 cancellation per rank of Pierce.

Perhaps you share that common yet inexplicable misunderstanding about Pierce, thinking that Pierce X causes your first X damage to ignore armor, rather than as meaning that the first X armor is ignored. According to the rules, your ranks of Pierce are just subtracted from the target's armor (to a minimum of zero).

For example:

  • 3 damage with Pierce 2 against 4 armor = 1 wound (4 armor - Pierce 2 = 2 effective armor, reducing damage from 3 to 1)
  • 6 damage with Pierce 3 against 2 armor = 6 wounds (2 armor - Pierce 3 = 0 effective armor, all the damage goes through)
  • 6 damage with Pierce 3 against 10 armor = 0 wounds (10 armor - Pierce 3 = 7 effective armor, still more than enough to block all damage)

Antistone you really know your stuff... and even better than that you're always willing to share your knowledge by constantly answering questions.
You do good work happy.gif Thank you.

Antistone said:

Drglord is thinking about damage that "ignores armor", not about the Pierce ability, so pretty much everything he said is wrong.

Pierce, per the rulebook "ignores armor" albeit only X points of it at at time. Everything Drglord said is right. Likewise, everything you said is right.

Thanks since i really hate to drag out answers like antistone and i really find it weird since nothing i said is contractiding what he said but i guess in order to impress you have to say everyone else is wrong. I wouldn't even bother more with this post if i haven't seen your post.

Drglord said:

Thanks since i really hate to drag out answers like antistone and i really find it weird since nothing i said is contractiding what he said but i guess in order to impress you have to say everyone else is wrong. I wouldn't even bother more with this post if i haven't seen your post.

Antistone isn't trying to impress anyone, he's just very precise about which words are used to describe an issue. Your answer was technically correct, it was just painting things in broad strokes so he decided to explain in more detail. Not a bad thing for a set of rules as convoluted as these, my advice would be try not to take him too personally. =)

As far as the OP's question goes, I agree with everyone else here, the tunic et al work normally against attacks with Pierce. Pierce will reduce effective armor, meaning more wounds are dealt, but each wound still gets its roll from the respective piece of gear. Pierce doesn't have an effect on anything other than the hero's numerical armor rating.

Drglord said:

Thanks since i really hate to drag out answers like antistone and i really find it weird since nothing i said is contractiding what he said but i guess in order to impress you have to say everyone else is wrong. I wouldn't even bother more with this post if i haven't seen your post.

Well, lets see.

Drglord said: Published on 1/20/2011 - 12:49:18

Only the armor provided by the cloak is ignored nothing else. It also has been answered officially that pierce doesn't negate their ability to prevent wounds. Older guys (in descent) think said that at one time that was the case but they changed it. Corbon even has added a FAQ question about it but he will agree also.

"Only the armor provided by the cloak is ignored nothing else ." That is flat wrong. Any armour bonus, whether provided by the cloak, natural armour, other items or skills/abilities may be ignored by the Pierce. Armour value is the only part of the cloak that might be ignored by Pierce, but in shortcutting your answer, you weren't clear enough on that point.
What I believe you intended to say was something like "Pierce only affects numerical armour value, so the only part of the cloak effects that it ignores could be any numerical armour bonus, up to the value of pierce."

"It also has been answered officially that pierce doesn't negate their ability to prevent wounds." That is flat wrong. You have confused Pierce with 'damage that ignores armour. There is no FAQ connection between Pierce and Cloaks. the same applies for the 'they changed it " bit.

So Antistone was right, pretty much everything you said was wrong. Experienced Descent-ers knew what you meant , and that what you meant was right , but for a noob what you wrote was entirely capable of giving a very wrong picture .

As Steve-O said, Antistone wasn't trying to impress anyone, just striving for clarity, something which your answer actually made a hash of. Sorry.

Corbon, your response here is juvenile and insulting. Having the opinion that your particular phrasing holds the correct balance of precision and verbosity is one thing. Being condescending because someone else has a slightly different way of communicating is simply mean and inane. There are plenty of people who would be much more confused by your answer than his. The fact that you're not one of them proves nothing.


For **** sake the answer was specific to a specific question. He didn't ask how pierce works he didn't ask for a complete breakdown of the game mechanics. He just asked if a guy still rolls for wounds with a cloack of mists if he gets attacked by pierce. My answer was complete and whole. If he wanted more he should have asked more. I answered that pierce doesn't negate any effect of the armor just the armor it gives. It's a complete answer. He didn't ask if he is carrying one million more items what would happen or if santa claus is coming for a party this year... Jezuss....