This will stir up some commotion. Some answers from Ross Watson:
> 1) Can pistols burst in close combat in DW? (And if yes, doesn't
> that carry a high risk of wildly straying shots?)
No. Pistols fired in melee fire a single shot.
> 2) If no, does that mean this is a DW-specific change or does that
> apply to all of 40k RP?
It applies to Dark Heresy, Rogue Trader, and Deathwatch.
> 3) What actions can be done with pistols in close combat other than
> Standard Attacks? Multiple Attack (if so only 2-handed attacks only
> or does swift strike, etc also apply)? All-out attack? Guarded
> attack? I am asking because page 240 indicates more than standard
> attacks are possible.
Standard Attack (or as part of two-weapon fighting) only.
> 4) Does the answer given to question 3 carry on to all of 40K RP or
> only DW?
It applies to Dark Heresy, Rogue Trader, and Deathwatch.
Will post it to all 3 forums.