
By Vye King, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hi all

My group has just started a Road to Legends campaign. We've never tried campaign play before and within the first week a question has arisin.

I was running the Beastman Lord with the darkness plot, (the cards etc. are not nearby at the moment so I apologise for forgetting names), The party placed their first rumour north of Tamilar to avoid the fatigue loss from being near my keep. My free lieutenant moved straight to the city with the exceptional market and started to lay seige. The party had headed north after the rumour and were left in the position of being unable to reach the city before the siege tokens equaled it's defence.

Our question is this; assuming I rolled badly for the seige (not a bad assumption considering how much the dice gods hate me) and the heroes managed to chase Farrow away from the city, what would happen to the siege markers? Do they stay there to show the damage the city recieved while being sieged? Do they slowly clear as the city rebuilds? Do they go away instantly?

If they clear it seem rather difficult to ever finish destroying a city. But if they stay it seems to easy for the overlord to send 2 lieutenants in different directions and have them make hit and runs, placing tokens 'til the heroes chase them away, and end up with ALL citys ready to fall.

Apologies if this has been answered, my search-fu is not strong.

Vye King said:

Hi all

My group has just started a Road to Legends campaign. We've never tried campaign play before and within the first week a question has arisin.

I was running the Beastman Lord with the darkness plot, (the cards etc. are not nearby at the moment so I apologise for forgetting names), The party placed their first rumour north of Tamilar to avoid the fatigue loss from being near my keep. My free lieutenant moved straight to the city with the exceptional market and started to lay seige. The party had headed north after the rumour and were left in the position of being unable to reach the city before the siege tokens equaled it's defence.

Our question is this; assuming I rolled badly for the seige (not a bad assumption considering how much the dice gods hate me) and the heroes managed to chase Farrow away from the city, what would happen to the siege markers? Do they stay there to show the damage the city recieved while being sieged? Do they slowly clear as the city rebuilds? Do they go away instantly?

If they clear it seem rather difficult to ever finish destroying a city. But if they stay it seems to easy for the overlord to send 2 lieutenants in different directions and have them make hit and runs, placing tokens 'til the heroes chase them away, and end up with ALL citys ready to fall.

Apologies if this has been answered, my search-fu is not strong.

RtL pg10
2. Resolve Sieges
First, remove all siege tokens from cities where at least one of the overlord’s lieutenants is not also present .
Then, for each city that has a number of siege tokens on it equal to its Defense rating, roll a black power die. On a surge, the city is razed. On any other result, simply leave the siege tokens in place.

Effectively, if you flee (the last Lt at least) the siege tokens will all go away, though technically not until the next week.
It might actually be possible to use the Transport Gem (if you had previously purchased it) to re-invest the city after the heroes have visited it and before the siege tokens are removed. Now that would be an evil way to win (heroes save Tamalir in a desperate fight to break the siege and then OL uses the Transport Gem to send the Lt back and successfully razes Tamalir anyway!)
We are asking about the timing of using the Transport Gem for the next FAQ, probably within the next two months.

You raze cities by 'forcing' the heroes to 'let you' raze them so they can follow their own plans, spreading Lts out in opposite directions, or by beating them in combat when they try to break the siege (best done when you have lots of treachery and upgraded monsters).