As I looked through the primitive ranged weapons I've come to the realization that FFG, either gave no thought to, or has no respect for the long and storied history of bows being used to kill assholes in armour. In fact for several centuries a bow or crossbow was the only real anti-armour weapon, save for perhaps the warhammer.....but whatever. In my opinion in the 40k universe a bow shouldn't be able to make ceramite armour its ***** by any means but it should pretty much be able to **** near ignore any primitive armour, because that was why they were deployed in war even when muskets were fielded.
Bows had better range, accuracy, and could actually kill someone in full plate, where muskets and flintlocks were useless against anyone wearing a solid piece of metal on them. Until the advent of true ballistic weapons the only reasons guns got any use was because ease of use, and the simplicity of aiming. Basically they didn't take years of practice to master, and any idiot that was cross eyed could fire one. As far as usefulness goes the bow or crossbow were always better weapons in the hands of people who knew how to use them.
So that's enough of a history lesson, onto the actual rules change purposed.
Name: Class: Range: Rof: Damage: Pen: Rld: Special: Weight: Cost: Availability:
Bow Basic 50m S/2/-** 1d10R* 2 Half Primitive,Reliable 2Kg 20^ Common
Compound Bow Basic 60m S/2/-** 1d10+2R* 3 Half Primitive, Reliable 3Kg 50^ Uncommon
Longbow Basic 60m S/-/- 1d10R*** 4 Half Primitive, Reliable 3Kg 35^^ Average
Treat all Crossbows (crossbows, heavy crossbows, hand bows, and flick bows) as Accurate at Short range.
For crossbows, heavy crossbows just add +2 Pen and +2 damage to the Crossbow
For Hand Bows and Flick Bows add +1 Pen and +1 Damage
* Add half Strength Rating (round up) to the Damage, based on construction, see ^
** The semi-auto rate only applies if the Reload time is reduced to Free
*** add Strength Rating to damage, based on construction, see ^^
^ Value listed is base cost, for every point of Strength Rating add 10 Thrones to Cost to determine total Cost. Craftmanship modifiers are based on total Cost. A bow with a higher Strength Rating than its user's Strength Bonus uses its user's Strength Bonus as its effective Strength Rating instead and inflicts a -20% to all Ballistic Skill tests with the weapon.
Example: Varrus wants a decent low quality weapon to assassinate his fellow man. He decides on a compound bow. Varrus has a Strength Bonus of 4, but only 40 Thrones so he buys a Compound bow with a Strength Rating of 2 making its Damage 1d10+3R. If he had 70 thrones he could buy a a Compound Bow with a Strength Rating of 5, though unless he bought his Strength up to 50 or higher he would suffer a -20% to all BS tests with the weapon and his damage would only be 1d10+4R instead the 1d10+5 it would be once his Strength is 50.
^^ Value listed is base cost, for every point of Strength Rating add 20 Thrones to Cost to determine total Cost. Craftsmanship modifiers are based on total Cost. A bow with a higher Strength Rating than its user's Strength Bonus uses its user's Strength Bonus as its effective Strength Rating instead and Inflicts a -20% to all Ballistic Skill test with the weapon.
Now for players wanting to more choices than Dukes of Hazard style explosive arrows or sh*tty worthless-against armour regular arrows I'd like to present a few options based on real life equivalents. Both wrok for Bows and Crossbows
Diamantine Bodkins: The long slender heads of these arrows, tipped with one of the few substances know for tearing through ceramite with ease, provide the weapon with a high tech edge that returns the bow to the fold of a good anti-armour weapon.
Effect: The weapons Pen value becomes 6 and removes the Primitive quality
Cost: 50 Thrones each
Rarity: Very Rare
Tech Broadheads: These insidious devices were created by a Tech-Priest attached to an Imperial guard regiment mostly comprised of feral worlders refusing to leave the weapons of their homeworld behind. The Tech-Preist decided to find a way for them to keep their edge in battle against modern weapons. These arrows are tipped with blade covered tech devices that spread open becoming hooked chunks of metal lodged deeply into the flesh of the target, upon impact.
Effect: Add +1 Damage and +1 Pen, remove the Primitive quality, add the Tearing quality, and if the weapon does any damage in Wounds to the target the arrow must be surgically removed or the victim will suffer great harm. While the arrow head remains in the character all Agility and Weapon Skill tests are considered Hard (-20%). A challenging (+0) Medicae test as a full action (on both parties' part) removes the the arrowhead without any more damage. Any attempt to remove the broadhead without surgical assistance requires an Intelligence test, failure indicated the character takes 1d5 damage ignoring armour and Toughness bonus, success indicates that the arrowhead is removed and the target takes a single point of damage not reduced by armour or Toughness.
Cost: 75 Thrones each
Rarity: Extremely Rare (Outside of certain Imperial Guard regiments where they are standard issue)