Merging swarms

By Cthonian, in Death Angel

Hi there again !! I have another question to ask ( i know , i know i fill up the forum with new threads .. but i searched and i didn't find the answer i swear sonrojado.gif )

Anyway ..

When shifting , the swarms of genestealers ( that are going to be in the same position ) and they didn't attack merging or remain separated .

And generally the swarms merging together after every movement or spawning , or i make a mistake here?

The rulebook mentions that the swarms that attacked remain separated from the others ( that did not ) and they are merging in the end of the event phase.

It works like this:

- When genestealers spawn or move during event phase, they merge normally.

- During the genestealers attack phase they can merge too, if some of the marines is killed and the formation is shifted, BUT those genestealers that attacked once cannot make another attack in this round. So, if the swarm that attacked (e. g. swarm of 2 GS) is going to merge with swarm that didn´t attacked yet (swarm of 3 GS), they merge normally into big swarm of 5 GS, but for this round they have strength of only 3, because two of them already made their attack. Separating them is just to know who attacked and who didn´t.

Is that the answer to your question?

Tyrichter said:

It works like this:

- When genestealers spawn or move during event phase, they merge normally.

- During the genestealers attack phase they can merge too, if some of the marines is killed and the formation is shifted, BUT those genestealers that attacked once cannot make another attack in this round. So, if the swarm that attacked (e. g. swarm of 2 GS) is going to merge with swarm that didn´t attacked yet (swarm of 3 GS), they merge normally into big swarm of 5 GS, but for this round they have strength of only 3, because two of them already made their attack. Separating them is just to know who attacked and who didn´t.

Is that the answer to your question?

Yes that is .. Thank you very much !! I had some doubts about this ... happy.gif

You´re welcome, battle brother...

So 2 swarms that have not attacked yet do attack as one merged swarm after the shift or as two separate forces and they merge afterwards at the end of the event phase?

i assume if neither swarm attacked yet in thie attack phase then they merge normally and attack as one swarm i may be mistaken though

I would do that the same way. If neither of them attacked, they merge and attack as one.