I read about the Temple Tendency with great interest, but the stuff in Disciples doesn´t make any sense to me. Maybe someone can clarify?
- Does the Temple of the Savior Emperor believe the Emperor is a god or "just" a mighty, benevolent being? The description was unclear to me, but it hinted at the first believers from the Horus Heresy novels, did it get that right?
- What is the dogmatic difference to the Ecclesiarchy? Or is there no difference in belief?
- Is the hostile stance to the Ministorium based on power rivalry? More clear: Is it based on the fact that the Ministorum took power from them? Or is it a clash of beliefs?
- Would anyone inside the Temple Tendency understand that Goge Vandires Reign was immoral, even ruinous; and would have been utterly destructive to mankind?
- Would anyone inside the Temple Tendency accept and agree the fact that Vandire was insane?