Can't download FAQ or Errata

By Electris, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hi I've been trying to download the Errata and the FAQ for journeys in the dark and I keep getting an error. I cannot find any warnings or messages anywhere on the FF website. Anyone know what's going on?


You used to have to register and log-in to download stuff, but I thought they had changed that. What does the error message say?

I am trying it again to get the error message but I believe it said "timed out." That means I am having trouble connecting to their support server?

I was able to download the FAQ just now. Perhaps there was an error on the server or someone accidentally moved the file?

Electris said:

I am trying it again to get the error message but I believe it said "timed out." That means I am having trouble connecting to their support server?

If you have any firewall or antivirus software it might be blocking attempts to communicate with FFG's server. Make sure is allowed access through those programs. Also, if you have any script blocking plugins in your browser either disable them or let FFG through.

Failing that, hit the reload button a few times. Occasionally I find pdfs will just fail to load completely for some stupid reason.