Basic Questions..Stealth/Dodge and Aim

By simpatikool, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hey all,

Our group ended playing Descent last night. Been awhile for most of us. We had some competitive discussions around the stealth power. In the adventure we were playing the OL was using numerous monsters with the stealth power. AKA you roll that stealth die and miss on an X. It seemed like we could not hit some of these monsters for ever. We literally had two full turns of running combat with some of these monsters where our entire party whiffed. At that point, I started using the Ready Action - AIM order as I can re roll misses. The OL believed strongly that the stealtth die should not be included as one of the die that could be re rolled with the AIM power. I could not find anyt sort of rule that said otherwise, and took the position that if you can't re roll dice, then what the hell good is it taken the AIM action to begin with. Anyway, can anyone clarify this? AKA, if you use the Ready action to give yourself the AIM order, can you use the re roll power of AIM to re roll miss attacks generated by the stealth die?

Dodge: Ok, is this order worth taking? You can force the OL to re roll his attack. You use this power in the hopes of forcing him to roll a miss? Still seems iffy to me.

Thanks all.

You can reroll any dice, including the stealth dice.

Dodge is very situational, but if you're trying to run past a bunch of monsters to get to a key chest or quest goal it can be useful. It's also nice if you've got stealth or are using Taunt. It can also be good if there are a lot of AoE monsters on the board, as one dodge can protect multiple heroes.

Keep in mind that Dodge affects all attacks targeting you until your next turn, so you can potentially reroll a lot of attacks. It's especially handy when you have Stealth, though it's still situational.

Aim lets you reroll the stealth die, but it's still usually not worth doing. You have a marginally higher chance of hitting a stealthy monster with one aimed attack than of hitting at least once with two regular attacks, but you still score more average hits with two regular attacks (because sometimes they both hit), so groups of stealthy monsters (or stealthy monsters that require multiple hits to kill) still go down faster if you battle than if you aim.

Stealth makes Aim tremendously better, but it's still really quite hard to find a situation in which a single aimed attack is better than two normal attacks. Which should tell you something about how useful it was before they added stealth.

People sometimes aim if they have an extra half-action at the end of their turn and there are no monsters currently on the board (e.g. just before opening a new area), but even then I think a rest (if you're not at full fatigue) or a guard or dodge (in case of spawns) is usually better.

Aim is more useful in the advanced campaign where fatigue and/or a power potion can give you a ton of silver or gold dice instead of black and you really don't want to miss the level's boss. But yeah, for the most part Aim and Dodge don't see much use. Rest also happens pretty rarely unless the hero is in town when they start it or someone is giving it to them via Leadership right before their turn starts.