Heroes XP (FAQ)

By Gigel2, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark FAQ Update Discussions

Hi everyone I have a couple of questions regarding the XP that heroes are gaining by killing Leaders or Finishing Quests or Dungeons

Q1: How that the XP actually working... is it gathered like money in a pool and the heroes decide who spend on upgrade and what kind of upgrade? or when a leader is killed the hero that did the killing blow get the XP?

Q2: What happens with the XP gather from finishing a Dungeon or a Quest every hero get 2, 3 or 4 XP or all of them as a group get 2, 3 or 4 XP and then it gets split as they see fit?

Thank you

This is not the proper forum to do questions. Please go to the Descent in the Dark forum (not the FAQ)