so we all know that the Storm Bolter as it is seems to be a miracle weapon, It is essentially a bolter that just every time it hits, it actually hits twice. This puts it in a real danger of overpowering every other weapon basic weapon in the game, and some of the heavy ones.
Lots of people have suggested things like limiting the number of hits to 4 per full auto to compensate but that seems to me to be a bit arbitrary. However I was thinking, what is a storm bolter good for and I looked into TT for my examples
1. 2nd edition Storm bolter. I believe it might have had strength 5 rather than strength 4 but the main difference was that when it inflicted a hit you rolled the sustained fire die to see how many hits you actually inflicted. this was a 6 sided die labelled 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, jam. where a jam resulted in 0 hits this turn and next turn the weapon had to be unjammed. when firing this over 7 turns it occurs to me that the modal (most common) result will be a total of 9 hits over the 7 turns implying that the average fire rate was not even close to twice the rate of a bolter, but more like 1.3 times.
2. 3rd edition Storm Bolter. In this version the Storm Bolter is assault 2 and the Bolter is rapid fire. This means that both can fire a maximum of 2 times, but the Bolter can only do so over short range and if the firer does not move on his turn wheras a Storm Bolter can do so even if the firer is moved in his turn. This implies that the Storm Bolter is best for 'Storm'ing defences, because it is capable of firing accurately at its full rate even if the firer is also moving towards the enemy
3. Modern Storm Bolter. I forget which version we are on now, 5? I have not played in some time. But I am reasonable sure that the most recent 40k rule set has changed rapid fire so that range is irrelevant and it is just a question of whether or not the firer moved as to whether he can rapid fire.
In summary, It seems to me that a Storm Bolter has never been a Bolter that fires twice as fast, but rather a Bolter that can fire accurately that can fire even if the firer is on the moved. Therefore I propose changing Storm to
Storm: When a weapon with the Storm quality is fired on semi or full auto the firer may make a half move at no penalty as part of the action.
the effects of this change would be twofold. 1st it would give the Storm bolter a specific niche as a weapon that can be used for laying down fire while still approaching enemy defences and 2nd it would weaken the storm bolter enough to give all the other weapons a chance to shine, people might actually get the specialist weapons instead of loading up on storm bolters.
So yeah what do people think? is my idea insane and stupid or is it well justified and logical? is it just meh?