I've got about 4-5 players in Lexington now, but always trying to find more and maybe get some organized play going. If you're wanting to play, leave me a message here or stop by Amazing Wonders and ask for Dieter!
Looking for players in Lexington, KY
Excellent. I have been looking for a Lexington AGOT group. I live in Richmond but I am in Lexington at least once a week. Now to figure out how to get there...
How to get there? You trying to find the gaming store or a ride? When are you in town .... we should make some games happen.
I've played with Mr. ZombiePrime a couple times now, so he knows where the store is and can get here.
You should join us sometime!
The Kentucky Khalasar is growing nicely but more people is always welcome. Right now we are playing pretty consistantly on Thursdays around 5 or 6 pm at Amazing Wonders in Lexington, Ky. Come and join us.
I live in Louisville and we have 6-7 players. Of course we just started playing and most of us trying to avoid spoilers. We currently play at Comic Book World and will soon be getting a league kit. We should most certainly try and get everyone together for a night of AGOT.
Happy to see some other GoT players in Louisville. There's also a new Warhammer Invasion group that's also interested in AGoT as well. Other games are also being played and we'd be happy to get together sometime. Regular meetups are every Friday evening at Bluegrass Magic Game Shop and a monthly at Pet Shop Comics. We can more easily be reached at:
This gaming nights still going on in Lexington KY?