Tyranid Infestation

By mjbarrett, in Fan Fiction

Tyranid Infestation

By Mark Barrett

Chapter one: aftermath

You can call that a job well down brothers. Congratulated the Watch-Captain, as the kill team recovers their strength from their successful mission on tantalus. Not only had they recovered the all important datacore, but they also recovered Magos Vyakai aswell. As an added extra, they denyed the enemy what is Emperor's just due: In other words they destoryed the refinery denying it to fall to enemy hads (or in this case claws!).

Vyakai, being held by the Brother-techmarine (of which honours this battle brother of machines) seemed greatful to the kill-team for saving his life. Although it was hard to tell the expressions of a malfunctioning cyborg, the Brother Techmarine could easily tell due to his experiance.

As the Thunderhawk steers itself away from the dieing planet. a clear suck into the warp can be heard but that probably was just a noise in the back of their head. A few minitues later and they would be in the domain of hell itself! The Thunderhawk plots a course to the Thunders Word while the Watch-Captain contacts Watch Fortress Eroich for a killship to be issued to Tantulas. When the Thunderhawk docks down on the mighty battle barge a sudden sign of releif was felt. 'Finally! we can all have a good rest and a drink!'' was the obvious thought going through their heads.

All of the crew of the Thunderhawk disembarks, as servitors embark for matinence. Vyakai was rushed the the apocothery imideiatly while a techmarine takes the datacore to the armourey under heavy guard. Everything seemed like a huge succsess but unfortuntley that was not true, it seemed that the kill-team wasnt the only life form who took a ride.

Chapter two coming soon