Why Descent news aren't coming up?

By TheHunterBoy, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hi everyone.

Simple questions, great sadness.

Why FFG doesn't announce a new Descent expansion? Anybody out there knows something?

im crossing my fingers they annouce something during the big "Realms of Terrinoth 2011 Event" next month.

TheHunterBoy said:

Hi everyone.

Simple questions, great sadness.

Why FFG doesn't announce a new Descent expansion? Anybody out there knows something?

Well, reactions to the last expansion (Sea of Blood) seem to have been largely negative. There are number of balance issues and outright mistakes. The game still appears to be selling like hotcakes so I doubt they'd given up on it entirely, but perhaps they're taking a breather or (hopefully) taking time to make sure the next expansion is as tight as possible.

Also they were working on Runewars last year (2009) which was released early 2010. And now, according to the Realms 2011 announcement, they've got another entirely new Terrinoth game in the works which they've probably been working on for most of 2010. Perhaps they've got some sort of rule about only working on one Terrinoth game at a time or something, to make sure their other product lines don't suffer too much neglect.

I'm still confident another Descent expansion will be coming, but for the time being at least it appears to be all quiet on the western front.

Given the mess that is Sea of Blood, I would much prefer a total overhaul of the core and campaign rules to get everything fixed once and for all, before publishing anything else.

Maybe the lack of news is precisely due to the fact that the designers are actually planning to do something about all the issues (2nd edition, massive FAQ or whatever) ? Though, somehow I have a hard time believing this :-(

Patmox said:

Maybe the lack of news is precisely due to the fact that the designers are actually planning to do something about all the issues (2nd edition, massive FAQ or whatever) ? Though, somehow I have a hard time believing this :-(

The last time Kevin was (publically) asked about the idea of a 2nd edition Descent, his answer was that he had no plans for such a thing. That was quite a while ago, though, so it's possible they've come around to the idea of remaking it by now. I wouldn't be entirely opposed to a new edition myself. Sure it would be a lot of extra money, but having a revised and compiled rule book might be worth it. As long as it was well and truly fixed, of course.