Rtl and Treachery

By PDT, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I have a problem about the treachery in RTL. when i read the rules, i understand that i have a max point i can bye, and for every point i bye i get to put 4 theats on the given treachery i opgrade. but now i get confused.... Do i now use the 4 theats the bye cards for the exstra pile (the cards with the hexagon on) and then place them in my OL deck and when i get one in the game i use my normal threats to activet the card, like normal OL cards. .......really confused..... i have all the Exp games and are right now in silver level and need to get some new cards in the game, before my party know my every play...

If you own expansions with trachery cards, ignore the "simple treachery" rules and just play by the normal rules for treachery. i.e. you don't get any extra threat at all. Instead you reconfigure your deck by replacing normal cards with treachery cards purchased using your points.

...last question to that, i have the Demon prince. he can have 2 point by the monsters, and 4 at traps, 3 at events, in at dungeon using these points, i can only changes a max of two monster cards out of 136 expansion card in a dungeon..? correct...

Correct, kinda.

When you build the overlord deck use all of the cards you own with no treachery symbols on the bottom. Then, when you start a dungeon you may trade out a number of points worth of each treachery equal to the number of points you've bought. So while the Demon Prince can have a maximum of 4 points in traps, if you've only bought 2 points of Trap treachery you'll get two cards at most. You may only be able to get one card if it's a card that costs 2 points (such as Animate Weapons). You wouldn't be able to get Dance of the Monkey God because it costs 3 points.

Have you played any non-RtL quests using treachery? If so, the two work exactly alike except that in vanilla games you are told how many points you can spend at the start of the quest whereas in Road to Legend you have to buy your points with XP. If you haven't played any vanilla quests with treachery rules I highly recommend doing a couple before you play RtL.

thanks very much :-) i have played the vanilla four times, then i bought the rest of the games, have been playing RTL, 10 to 12 sesions 3 to 5 hours pr session, but only focus on opgrating my monsters bronz to silver to gold..and havent investet very much time in treachery, because i thougt it was to much epx, when i only gain one or two cards..

many thanks for the help, :-)

Treachery is the Overlord's lifeblood in Road to Legend because it's what turns his lieutenants from punching bags into pain-bringers. It's also useful in the dungeons, but where it shines is in lieutenant fights, since you don't have to wait until you draw the card. Many a hero party has bitched and moaned as the OL plays Danger, follows it up with Crushing Blow, Rages a monster, then has the lieutenant flee. ;)