City in advanced champain

By Jack and THE Hammer, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Me and my players sometimes have great debate on this point, and dont find animore the RB so i asking you if what i'm going to write is correct about the city to put this debate to the end:

in the Advanced champain, if IN the city, one per turn, an Hero can visit one of the buildings and, if possibile use it

If more Heroes are in the same time in the same building, they can, without any cost, take or give whathever number of items each others (if they can carry it)

without any cost, during theyr time in the city, they can change theyr equippments

What you say? it's all true?

I would say yes as I believe the rulebook states that any time the heroes are not in a dungeon they can do this...

Here's a quote from the FAQ, swiped from another thread:

FAQ, page 15:

Q: Can heroes purchase gear from the market and then distribute it as they see fit? What if they’re in the middle of a quest; does this cost MP?
A: Heroes in town are still considered to be adjacent to one another, regardless of what building they are in. However, a hero who is Restocking has no movement points to spend (and may not spend fatigue for extra movement points, since he’s not taking a normal turn.)

This means that heroes cannot exchange gear in town on the same turn they arrive (or remain) in town, as the only action they can take under those circumstances is Restock. However, on the turn that a hero intends to leave town, he declares a normal action and spends 1 MP to step through the glyph. It's my current understanding that the hero could spend additional MP to hand stuff around to other heroes before leaving town. What's more, apparently all heroes are considered adjacent, even if they're in different buildings, so you don't even need to be in the same place. Remember that you can only give items on your turn, you can't receive anything. So if you want to make a two-way trade, you'll need to coordinate at least part of it in the dungeon.

thanks, but a new doubt it's incoming now.

Can the heroes exchange items in the world map anny time? My first answer was not, because they can not spent mp during theyr trip across terrinoth. but this answer follow a conventional logic, and not the rules's logic how say the heroes need Mp to do this kind of actions

Jack and THE Hammer said:

thanks, but a new doubt it's incoming now.

Can the heroes exchange items in the world map anny time? My first answer was not, because they can not spent mp during theyr trip across terrinoth. but this answer follow a conventional logic, and not the rules's logic how say the heroes need Mp to do this kind of actions

Any time the party, as a party, is on the map they can exchange items without limit.

my players will probably kill me when i'll say it to them... i was always denied this action...