poobaloo said:
Big Remy said:
During the same round, a Rest Order is placed by a Hero A on his turn onto Hero B via Leadership. Hero A's turn ends. Hero B's turn then starts. Does Hero B gain full fatigue as the result of the Rest order placed on him by Hero B on his turn?
Good suggestion, I would second that. :-) I will even send the question in myself, however I will word it like this, as you put a B when you should have put A in the question:
During the same round, a Rest Order is placed by a Hero A on his turn onto Hero B via Leadership. Hero A's turn ends. Hero B's turn then starts. Does Hero B gain full fatigue immediately as the result of the Rest order placed on him by Hero A on his turn, or must he wait for one full turn cycle to pass, as if Hero B had placed the order upon himself?
I'm not trying to be a naysayer here and discourage you from asking the question but I think you are both missing the key wording of Leadership and wasting both time and energy with this issue: Hero A (with Leadership) does NOT place the order on Hero B. Hero A gives Hero B the ability to place an order (on Hero B) INSTEAD of Hero A placing an order (on Hero A). Once Hero A decides to allow Hero B to place an order, Hero A doesn't even have any control over WHICH order Hero B decides to place (other than making a suggestion)
The question SHOULD be:
During the same round, Hero A ENABLES Hero B to place a Rest Order. At the start of Hero B's turn, does he gain full fatigue as the result of said Rest Order?
Frankly, it's a not issue... Hero B has a Rest Order on him (that he placed during Hero A's turn) at the start of his turn and thus receives the benefit of said Rest Order.
Sometimes the rules in the game actually make sense within the rules and we end up misreading or misinterpreting them.