Inquisitor Vanist the Ignorant

By dugfromthearth, in Dark Heresy Gamemasters

I am working on a module. It will peripherally involve Inquisitor Vanist the Ignorant. I thought i would post what I have of him for comments and ideas.

Inquisitor Vanist the Ignorant

Inquisitor Vanist calls himself ‘the Purist” and is known as such amongst the puritans. To the radicals of the Inquisition he is known as “the Ignorant”. He directs his acolytes while learning few details of their investigation. To his mind learning the details of heresy, xenos, and chaos would lead to his corruption. In his four centuries as an inquisitor he has had himself mindwiped at least 3 times when he felt that he his soul was threatened by forbidden knowledge. It is little known, but he was once in the order Malleus. To minimize his risk of corruption he has moved to the order Hereticus.

Originally a member of the Adeptus Mechanicus and an adept, he is more machine than man and has undergone the Rite of Pure Thought. He views all missions with cold logic and is interested primarily in the logistics of the hunt. Although he is a formidable opponent in combat with his implants and mechadendrites, he rarely directly engages his foes.

The interrogators of Vanist are given extraordinary independence. He has ordered them to exclude from their reports any details of forbidden knowledge. However, Vanist has never personally promoted an interrogator to the status of inquisitor. Instead he has his most experienced, and therefore in his eyes most tainted, interrogators moved to the service of other inquisitors. In most cases, the interrogator has uncovered evidence of xenos or daemonic presence and Vanist assigns them to another inquisitor as he refuses to pursue such cases himself. Many radical inquisitors refuse to accept Vanist’s interrogators fearing that they will spy for him. Others accept them and attempt to use them to gain information about Vanist and the puritans. A few interrogators have chosen to remain with Vanist and been mindwiped to remain pure.

Vanist is often chosen to serve as a judge within the Inquisition as his purity is without question. Puritans say that based on his pure logic, the decision of Vanist should be honored above all others. Radicals say that his decisions are based on ignorance and protest his involvement in any inquiry.