Weird but pausible?

By Drglord, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

We came up to a weird situation. Okay this is the official answer from FFG regarding actions in town in RTL.

A hero who begins his turn in town has two options: Restock again (at the same or a different building) or return to the dungeon. If he returns to the dungeon, he declares a normal action (Battle, Ready, Advance, Run) and then must spend a movement point to move from town to the dungeon, just like normal. If he somehow can't do so (i.e. he Battled and had no fatigue left) then the entire action is canceled and the hero Restocks instead. .

I declare advance let's say. I pass some items to another player. Let's say i attack another player since we are adjacent and kill him. I drink some potion. I do alot of other stuff etc... But i don't leave town. What happens? It says the action is cancelled. So the player get's ressurected? The items fly back to me? Potion are returned and effects are taken back (wounds inflicted fatigue being drained etc).

Just something that bothered me since i find weird that stuff and the action being canceled doesn't say if the effects are canceled also and anyway any thoughts?

P.S. I know this could be a munhckin play but since it crossed my mind it's been nugging me.

Drglord said:

I declare advance let's say. I pass some items to another player. Let's say i attack another player since we are adjacent and kill him. I drink some potion. I do alot of other stuff etc... But i don't leave town. What happens? It says the action is cancelled. So the player get's ressurected? The items fly back to me? Potion are returned and effects are taken back (wounds inflicted fatigue being drained etc).

Just something that bothered me since i find weird that stuff and the action being canceled doesn't say if the effects are canceled also and anyway any thoughts?

Well my first reaction would be to say that there are no "spaces" in town, and therefore you can't attack another hero in town. Attacks target spaces, not figures, remember.

Even if you choose to consider each building as a "space", remember that you yourself will have to be in the same building (there's no distance relationship between buildings defined by the rules) which means you will ALSO hurt yourself to the same degree. If multiple figures occupy a single space being targetted by an attack, they all take full damage.

I also dimly recall a rule about not being able to attack when you're in the same space as another figure, which would again bring us to "you can't attack in town" since you can't attack from another building without defined adjacency rules.

Also, there's the question of how you get into the building the other hero is in, assuming he wasn't already in the same one as you. The only way to move from one building to another is to declare a new Restock action - you can't just "move" there with MP, there is no adjacency. We have no way of knowing how much MP that should cost.

If you've hand-waved or house ruled your way through all of those, then you finally get to the question of "does cancelling my action mean the effects are undone?" Your action will definitely be cancelled since you haven't left town. I would personally be inclined to say the effects should be undone since the "official" discussion mnetions you get a Restock action instead of your cancelled declared action. I don't believe you should get a Restock and still get to "count" the effects of your supposedly cancelled action, no matter how futile they may be.

However, at this point we're already at least three layers deep in house rules and/or ignoring inconvenient mechanics, so I think the only real answer is "whatever you want." You're already making up rules to even get to this question, so you may as well make up the answer as well.

Assuming both you and the other hero are in the same building and your goal with these shenaningans is to get a few items over to the other hero (which is the only practical result that hangs in the balance of your decision) it's also worth noting that I'm pretty sure you can just hand stuff to him before going back to the dungeon and venting your agression on the monsters who so richly deserve it.

I was always under the impression that spending one MP to leave Tamalir was the first thing a hero has to do after declaring his action (ok, he could convert any fatigue to MP first, but this has no effect on the turn itself).

"If he returns to the dungeon, he
declares a normal action (Battle, Ready, Advance, Run)
and then must spend a movement point to move from town
to the dungeon, just like normal."

There is no "immediately" after the "then", but it always implied that to me.

Parathion said:

There is no "immediately" after the "then", but it always implied that to me.


James McMurray said:

Parathion said:

There is no "immediately" after the "then", but it always implied that to me.



when doing things in town, you cannot attack, pure and simple.

duhtch said:

when doing things in town, you cannot attack, pure and simple.

Why? Is there anything in the rules that say that?

FAQ, page 15:

Q: Can heroes purchase gear from the market and then
distribute it as they see fit? What if they’re in the middle of
a quest; does this cost MP?
A: Heroes in town are still considered to be adjacent
to one another, regardless of what building they are in

However, a hero who is Restocking has no movement
points to spend (and may not spend fatigue for extra
movement points, since he’s not taking a normal turn)

So I could use Dark Charm because the activation says "Play at the start of your turn and choose one hero", nohing else.

Nope, heroes in town are explicitly safe from OL cards.

Parathion said:

Nope, heroes in town are explicitly safe from OL cards.

Could you tell me where can I read it in the rules, please?

JitD, pg.18:

All heroes in the town
are considered adjacent to
each other and cannot
be targeted by
overlord cards.

Parathion said:

JitD, pg.18:

All heroes in the town
are considered adjacent to
each other and cannot
be targeted by
overlord cards.

Thank you very much. No more discussion about this gui%C3%B1o.gif

Parathion said:

James McMurray said:

Parathion said:

There is no "immediately" after the "then", but it always implied that to me.



Yes, it really always implied that to me. It never even crossed my mind that a hero could declare a normal action but choose to stay in town by spending all of their MP on other stuff. If they could the entire section about how town works would be worded differently.