Lobber crew

By Exalon122, in Warhammer Invasion Rules Questions

If an action kills a lobber crew like, the one of Duregan Thomgrimson, the master rune of spite or just because it has been killed during combat, can the oponent trigger it's action to kill units?

Exalon122 said:

If an action kills a lobber crew like, the one of Duregan Thomgrimson, the master rune of spite or just because it has been killed during combat, can the oponent trigger it's action to kill units?

The way you word it, no. However, when your opponent announces he is using DT or MRoS, you can trigger Lobber Crew as Response, meaning it gets its shot in first. Can't trigger it in response to combat damage applied, could use the action after damage has been assigned (if LC were defending).

Thanks Dam! you are answering all of my questions :D