elven cloak & monster feat questions :)

By chaosisgod, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

hi there!

we've played a very heated game today and 3 questions remained unanswered at the end

1> cleave: can the hero use fatigue to move between the melee hit that killed the monster and the cleave attack? - for this i think i found a definitive no but plz tell me if i'm wrong

2> elven cloak: our translation says if hero rolls anything on black die the damage is canceled. also since it's an armor does it still work for traps? and there's also the max 5 power dice rule, what if said hero suffers 6 or more damage how many can the hero try to negate with the elven cloak?

3> monster abilities: can the monsters NOT use any or all of their special abilities if it fits them? like can the giant not sweep only reach? (surrounded by friendly units)

3a> if the dog doesn't use the flame is it still a range attack not a melee (some characters or armors give bonus defense vs. melee attacks)

thanks a lot :)

from last time there's one more question plz :)

4> When Trenloe the Strong attacks, you may re-roll 1 Green, 1 Yellow or 1 Black die of your choice. Trenloe cannot use this ability if he is aiming or if his target is dodging. < does he get to reroll 1,2 or 3 dice or he can choose one and that's it?

1. No. "Immediately" means that you can't do anything else first.

2. The Elven Cloak cancels one wound for each power enhancement rolled. "Ignores armor" refers to the armor stat, not to armor items, so wound cancellation still applies. The limit of 5 power dice only applies to attacks. The Elven Cloak is very good.

3. Abilities are only optional if they say they are optional, though Blast and Breath were errata'd to be optional in the FAQ. Sweep is not optional, but it specifically only affects enemy units, so there are very few situations in which you would care.

3a. The hellhound has a ranged attack icon by the dice on his monster card, therefore its attack is ranged. Using Breath or not has no effect on whether an attack counts as melee, ranged, or magic.

4. Trenloe rerolls one die total, not one of each, owing to the fact that it says "or", not "and".

Antistone said:

1. No. "Immediately" means that you can't do anything else first.

2. The Elven Cloak cancels one wound for each power enhancement rolled. "Ignores armor" refers to the armor stat, not to armor items, so wound cancellation still applies. The limit of 5 power dice only applies to attacks. The Elven Cloak is very good.

3. Abilities are only optional if they say they are optional, though Blast and Breath were errata'd to be optional in the FAQ. Sweep is not optional, but it specifically only affects enemy units, so there are very few situations in which you would care.

3a. The hellhound has a ranged attack icon by the dice on his monster card, therefore its attack is ranged. Using Breath or not has no effect on whether an attack counts as melee, ranged, or magic.

4. Trenloe rerolls one die total, not one of each, owing to the fact that it says "or", not "and".

thanks, as OL i'm very unhappy with the elven evil cloak but the rest is pretty much the way i thought i read somewhere :)