the perfect RtL party!?

By medborgareF, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

after finishing our first RtL campaign with an overwhelming OL win we wonder how you would make your perfect party (everything included; hero-skill-eq).


Better party won't help you as you start to grasp with what is efficient and not in RTL you will get better. It has come to our understanding that the OL tends to be overpowered through the whole campaign if he is any good and a scam. In our 5th current campaign you have a party that stroms through 3 level of dungeon levels with giving half of what he wins in CT and still we are behind and close to defeat as you will realise that time is of the essence in RTL. Spending 3 or 4 weeks to get a single skill in a far away city means that you are giving huge of amounts of time for siege, placing LT on cities for the OL meaning you will propably have to run to defend losing 2 or 3 more rounds (even more if you are unlikely in the location) and all that time overlord will be making leaps on CT since he will be winning 2 or 3 or more CT per round (from raged cities unless he is incopetent or has managed to miss ALOT of siege rolls). Truth be told we have raised from hopeless campaigns against the OL to challenging after the 2nd or 3rd campaign. Alot of people will tell you different but the truth is that OL is favored if he is any good at descent. And yes we have been cycling OL so it isn't about the players it is just that the odds are stacked against the players.

P.S. In our 5 campaigns we have a success rate of raging cities of 70 to 75 percent so i really don't know if that heavily has unbalanced the game since we have never experienced anything else. (I recall 100% when i was OL with 4 to 4 rages on ascension, and our current has 3 to 5 rolls).

Anyway to indulge you The perfect would be.

Zyla (the ultimate runner game changing) with swift

Tahlia with unmovable the ultimate fighter IMHO or nanook (not nerfed) with enduring

Any 2 CT mage. Astarra ? Mad Carthos? Anyway any mage that is 2CT and fits your bill with spiritwalker

A range dude that fits your bill also if you want to go broken and out of the ordinary and just plain simple throw the campaign into chaos put farslayer tobin.

If you are playing with normal stuff then kirga would be nice since you don't need the speed of sihouelete with zyla so his ability is awesome. For a starting skill i would guess any skill extra damage would be nice and rapid fire broken as soon as he gets some secret training.

All the above are the optimal starting skills and still won't win you the campaign as you need tactical choices like to train dices and up your damages before going against a LT and some other stuff.