Treasure chest and CT

By mysterymantis, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I'm a bit confused on treasure chest. It's been a while since I've played, and I don't remember how this is handled, and I can't seem to find it in the rules. But when the heroes open a chest, and it rewards them with conquest, do they gain the listed amount per hero, or is it jsut the amount listed? I seem to remember they only get the amount listed, not each. So if it says 3 conquest, and there are 4 players and a OL, do they get 12 conquest or 3?

Wow, thats a good question because I don't think the rules actually specify. But I have always assumed its just the stated amount not per player. So using your example its just 3 not 12. I think it would be incrdeibly difficult for OL's if it were more.

With regards treasure thats an exception stated in the rules where each hero receives the stated amount. This seems to infer that conquest tokens are not per hero as it is not specifically stated.

Hope this helps.

Conquest is never per hero, always refers to the herosĀ“ pool. So, three conquest it is in your example.

JitD, pg. 19: Conquest Tokens: The heroes immediately gain the
indicated number of conquest tokens.

Also in the table on pg. 13.