This is a problem insofar as it’s going to be difficult to kill rather than a rules problem.
We recently started a new campaign having had to abandon the last campaign at copper (I was overlord & used The Sorcerer King – that ‘Snipers’ card is REALLY good). I’m now one of the players and we’re up against the Beastman Lord using the plot which needs destruction of cities (can’t remember the name). Party is:
Mok (skills: Wild Talent & Swift)
Silhouette (skills: Rapid Fire & Lucky)
Laughing Buldar (sic?; skills: Weapon Mastery & Tiger Tattoo)
Varikas (skill: Blessing)
Overlord has just purchased Kratz the Plague. This lieutenant has Soar & Breath. I believe from previous FAQs that Breath ignores range for the purposes of Soar i.e. Kratz will be permanently Soaring during any encounter and therefore out of reach of our melee characters (who are our biggest damage-dealers at this stage). Also problematic are the razorwings which make up Kratz’ minions, though they do need to swoop down to attack.
Apart from loading up Mok (who has the copper Breath rune) & Silhouette with Power Potions is there any other way to get at Kratz? Also, am I correct in what I have said above regarding Soar & Breath? Lastly, does anyone know how Web interacts with Soar (Silhouette has the copper ranged weapon with Web)?