Brazilian Players?

By pauloswolf, in Warhammer Invasion Community

Hello all.

There are any Brazilian players around?

I am from Guarulhos-SP and I´m looking for players around.


Hi there Paulo,

I just bought the core set today. and i'm brazilian.

Howver I am also Briitish and live in the UK - so until I move to Brazil we cant play much!

If you come to cambridge thought le me know!

Hello, Lomack.

Cool. If I have the luck to know Europe someday, sure we can play there.


Hey, I just bought the basic set... I'm from Sao Paulo capital. We could schedule a game in some event, some day. Have you ever been to jogasampa?

murruy said:

Hey, I just bought the basic set... I'm from Sao Paulo capital. We could schedule a game in some event, some day. Have you ever been to jogasampa?

Hello, murruy. I don´t know what/where is jogasampa. There is a link where can I know more?

I am from Guarulhos-SP, but I have played Vampire at Centro Cultural Vergueiro.

From what region of SP are you?


Hey, no problem at all... jogasampa is a board game event, but I live very close to Centro Cultural Vergueiro... We can schedule something on a saturday. Send me a PM (here or on boardgamegeek... my nick overthere is murruy too) and we can arrange the details...

do you have any of the expansions? i ordered some battle packs from the enemy cicle but they haven't arrived yet, so I will be able to use only the core game...

See ya!