Holiday gaming gone amok!

By Major_Evil, in Sid Meier's Civilization: The Board Game

had a great opportunity to do some gaming over the holidays - did some great games of battlestar galactica, with the pegasus expansion and loved it. When we got around to playing Civ - wouldn't you know it someone spilled their cup of cheer on some of the pieces. So my question is this - can I buy some replacement pieces and if so where? I've tried to look through the store here on the website but could only find stuff like card covers (something I will be investing in for my games).

Any direction would be helpful

Depending on how many pieces were ruined, you may want to try emailing FFG customer service to see about getting some replacements...

FFG customer service is great, I'm pretty sure if you didn't ruin your whole game, they will send you new pieces.