Theoretical MP maximum

By Parathion, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

In the German forum we theoretised about the possible maximum movement points that a hero can receive in a single turn under the most favorable circumstances.

We came up with a whopping 81 MP .

Can you figure out how to get this and can you even top that? All expansions are allowed, all rules are to be applied (e.g. no SoB skills in RtL).

Parathion said:

We came up with a whopping 81 MP .

Can you figure out how to get this and can you even top that? All expansions are allowed, all rules are to be applied (e.g. no SoB skills in RtL).

Nope, but I sure would like to hear how you got that high, especially with only one vitality potion.

Any hero with 5 fatigue and 5 speed. Add swift and tiger tattoo for a speed of 8. Also add 3 fatigue upgrades and skilled for a total of 13 fatigue. Add the robe(cant recall the name) giving the hero many "other" slots, then give 3 others giving movement(wings of regiroth, elven boots and ring of quickness).

This would give 8 speed, 13 fatigue and 5 "other" speed. Run for 16 movement points, use fatigue for 25(-1 for drinking the potion) and 5 from others. This will give the hero 47 movementpoints.

The only thing I can think of to boost it more is by using knockbackweapons/skills. But I guess the idea was that the hero himself gained the MP. I am curious to learn where the remaining 34 MP comes from:D

In retrospect, I wish I could have the last 25 minutes of my life back.

Hero: Aurim

Skilled: Alertness, Skilled, Tiger Tattoo, Knight, Vampiric Blood

Upgrades: +6 Fatigue, wid sum gud dise

Items: Robe of Kellos, Ring of Quickness, Elven Boots, Knight's Ring, Wings of Regiroth, Word of Vaal, Vitality Potion

Feat: Hurry

1) At start of turn, play Hurry gain +6 MP from items.

2) Declare a Battle, and activate Knight (+3)

3) Convert all remaining Fatigue into MP (+12)

4) Drink potion, and then convert (+14)

5) Attack with Word of Vaal, use Vampiric Blood to restore Fatigue, then convert (+14)

6) Move towards new enemies, make second attack, then convert (+14)

7) Move towards new enemies, make third attack, then convert (+14)

8) Move towards new enemies, make fourth attack, then convert (+12)

9) Move towards enemy-surrounded chest, use Alertness in response to Mimic, restore Fatigue, convert (+12)

10) Move towards second chest, use Alertness in response to Killer Chest, restore fatigue, then convert (+14)

Total MP– 115

This could be boosted to 131, depending on whether the Fool's Rapids can improve Fatigue a second time in one Campaign level.


Nice, I totally forgot about Hurry and Alertness giving extra attacks - but that was basically our setup, with only three attacks and Hustle instead of Hurry as well as Swift instead of Alertness.

With six attacks, however, you´d have to check whether there are any dungeon levels in RtL which give enough monsters by using all possible spawn cards in the deck (respecting the max. treachery values) + a few "unspawnables" via the monster setup (total needed: 78 mobs).

Fool´s Rapids cannot grant a second silver fatigue upgrade, btw.

Hurry only gives you an additional melee attack.

That is correct. Thus, -14 MP + 3 MP for Hustle (with a different 5/5 hero than Aurim) leaves us at 104 MP, with 64 necessary mobs to kill.

Good catch with the Hurry.

I try not to acquire too much familiarity with RtL dungeons, since that really cuts down on the replayability-factor. There is, however, a rumor level with a Dragon, two chests, and lots of open space that might work. Necessary monsters shouldn't be too much of a problem- there are ~110 total, and all but ~15 are spawnable; OL could have 2 whole cycles to set up.

If you made an official Elven hero with the (debatable) heromaker or even with Antistone's Herogen with 5 fatigue, 6 speed and Level1 Scout ability, you can increase even more the numbers.

What is the "Level 1 Scout" ability?

Besides that, speed 6 wouldn´t change anything in the above example.

Parathion said:

What is the "Level 1 Scout" ability?

Besides that, speed 6 wouldn´t change anything in the above example.

Brother Glyr would be an improvement over Aurim (or any 5F/5M hero) though. Mv 2+TT/2=2+2MP for the Battle, over 3MP for Aurim.

Correct. Aurim is not usable in the current record example, since he cannot play Hustle (Subterfuge Feat).

So Brother Glyr is now on top with 105 MP.

Parathion said:

Correct. Aurim is not usable in the current record example, since he cannot play Hustle (Subterfuge Feat).

So Brother Glyr is now on top with 105 MP.

That's pretty classic when you think about it. Brother Glyr is the 'official' fastest hero out there... partido_risa.gif
It's enough to make me start feeling better. cool.gif

I don't know if that was an irony but the dwarf is indeed the fastest tank. With 4 MP on advance and 2 on battle.

Elric of Melniboné said:

If you made an official Elven hero with the (debatable) heromaker or even with Antistone's Herogen with 5 fatigue, 6 speed and Level1 Scout ability, you can increase even more the numbers.

I suppose it wasn't officially stated, but I think it's part of the exercise that you not use homebrewed content, only officially published materials. If homebrew is allowed (even if you're forced to stick with one or the other of the hero creators) then I'm sure you could push the limit much higher by making a hero twinked for the goal of the exercise. And how far you could push it would be determined purely by how far you're willing to go with made up rules and still call it "fair."

I'm not familiar with "Level 1 Scout" myself, but I'm guessing it's a special ability from Antistone's hero generator, and thus not really fair game.

Edit: Bravo, phelan, for getting us 90% of the way there, anyway. I never in a million years would have considered any action other than Run. Thus would have been my downfall. =P

It's from the official FFG hero creation rules on the support page, not Antistone's mod.

If you allow Kevin Wilson's custom hero rules (which are "official" to the extent that they are posted on the Descent support page), you can craft a hero that starts with as much as 7 max fatigue (dwarf or nimble, raise by 1, scout level 2 or 3), which presumably can do the above strategy better than Brother Glyr.

I don't know why Elric thinks Scout level 1 would help, though; that just restores fatigue when you declare a Run action, and since we're assuming a hero that starts with full fatigue, that's useless for any strategy, unless you can spend fatigue on something else useful first.

If you were going to use my custom hero generator to optimize a hero for the above strategy, I think you'd do something involving the ability that gives you 2 movement for each fatigue spent. But that's decidedly unofficial, and doesn't even attempt to be balanced in an extended campaign.

Going back to official material, you could get the Hurry feat back if you attacked with Icetooth, but I doubt that makes up for the loss of those ridiculous fatigue upgrades if it forces you to play A Hot Time instead of an extended campaign. Still, if you wanted to calculate the highest MP turn possible in vanilla, you'd probably want to include that.

I was strikingly wrong. That's about it...sorry for the mistake.