Rune of resistance

By Thunderkrikt, in Warhammer Invasion Rules Questions

I have a question regarding this card in regaurds to battle damage. It reads

If attached unit would be destroyed, sacrifive this attachment instead and remove all damage from that unit.

So here is the question

If the attached card defends takes enough damage to kill it, does that unit then have the opportunity to continue to take damage after rune of resistance has been removed?


From my reading of the rules and looking at other posts I think I have come up with the conclusion on this question...

If I am understanding the rules correctly then the attached unit does not apply damage until the final phase. So if it has a 2 hp on a unit with rune of resistance, 2 damage is applied and the remaining hp (if there is any) can be applied to the capital. Meaning at the end of combat instead of discarding the attached unit the support card is removed.

Is this the correct ?

Thank you :)

I assume you meant "remaining damage" instead of "remaining HP" but yes, that seems correct.

Thank you