The Content of Your Character >> Expanded Character Sheet & Action Worksheets Now Posted

By FFG DanielC, in WFRP Archived Announcements

As found in the Player's Guide , the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay expanded character sheet is now available for download. You can find the news post here . An action worksheet and basic action summary are also available.

All these components are also available at the WFRP support page, which is available here .

Enjoy the game!

Hi Daniel,

it's nice to see You and a news for WFRP. It's the second time You are publishing a news on the site, it good to see that someone is doing that but I have question - what happened to Jay Little? He was always writing to use His designers dairies are You going do this in the future or Jay will be back soon?

And thanks for posting those additional sheets maybe for someone those will be useful. I would rather see a new FAQ&Errata or even better more news about the really new products with new content like The Witch's Song,

thanks for all the hard work that You and other team members are doing to bring to live the world of Warhammer,

best regards


Jay H

Huzzah, sez I! Really, REALLY enjoying the new handbooks' format, and contents, too. Well done.

Nice to see FF posting about new "news" on the site, nice new Character sheet as well much better then the old one I think... wish it was made with the ability to print with background off though!!!

There is some kind of freeware out there that allows you to pull out the background. I forget what it's called. Do a search :)

Foxit might allow you to do it.


I was gunna take a shot at a fillable version of the character sheet. I could maybe try a version without the background for those who need/want it. Shouldnt be too hard i think.


Hey gang,

I finished a fully fillable version of the Expanded Character Sheet. It is availble at Gitzman's Gallery . It is Fillable, Expanded and savable as a PDF with autocalculations for statistics, weapons, armour and skills. This sheet includes fatigue and stress trackers, encumberance limits, and a wealth of other statistical data which auto calculates based on the information you provide.

Visit to download
